chapter two - a new mission

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I ran into school being "late" as per usual, while walking up to my seat I made eye contact with Adrien, I smiled to myself he was completely and utterly unaware of what awaited him when he returns home.

I slipped into my seat, turning my attention to the teacher. she was preparing an announcement, "alright class, listen up! we have some very exciting news!" I sighed internally, I don't see why the red room bothered to send me to school when I had already completed my mission. I focused back as madame bustier started speaking again, "we have been given the opportunity of a lifetime! our class has been selected along with another class from NYC to spend a whole month with the AVENGERS in the AVENGERS tower!" with this new information i felt my breath hitch, so this is why i was to go back to school and await further instruction... but why not tell me? did they want my reaction to be genuine or was it a slip up on their end? I pondered this news for a while before I heard my earpiece crackle into life and a message come through...

"Агент Кримсон, у вас новая миссия. вам предстоит устранить предателей наталью романову и джеймса барнса во время поездки. это самое близкое, что нам когда-либо удавалось подобраться к мстителям. вы должны уничтожить их изнутри. будьте очень осторожны, потому что, если вас поймают, вы останетесь одни." (agent crimson, you have a new mission. you are to eliminate the traitors natalia romanova and james barnes while on the trip. this is the closest we have ever been able to get to the avengers. you are to destroy them from the inside-out. be very careful, for if you get caught you will be on your own.)

"слышать значит повиноваться" i whispered before turning my attention back to the teacher. "- i already have permission from all of your parents so you may go home and collect your luggage, but be back here within an hour. for our bus to the airport departs at lunch time." before everyone got up she spoke again, "and adrien already has his luggage here so he can wait here with me." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I didn't need the police on my trail before I was out of the country. I knew I wasn't a suspect anyway, but it's harder to operate a mission when the place is crawling with police. my upcoming mission is near impossible, i know that, but i simply HAD to pull it off, because if i don't i fear for my life.

I soon arrived at my temporary housing and picked up my suitcase. Inside the lining I stored any weapons and ammo, as well as my HYDRA x RR id and a spare suit. In the actual suitcase I stored, half marinette dupain cheng worthy, half more my style, meaning I had a few other colours in there, and some jeans.

I zipped up my suitcase and started off back to school, I slipped a jacket on and my headphones around my neck. to listen to the mission briefing during the flight of course. I arrived back at school exactly 60 minutes after we were dismissed. I was the first into the classroom, forcing myself to make small talk with Adrien till everyone else arrived. By the time the bell rang for lunch everyone was sitting in the classroom, with a suitcase or two in hand. chittering excitedly.

I heard the bus pull up outside, no one else seemed to hear it (thanks super-hearing) and Madame Bustier cleared her throat and announced to the class. "The bus has arrived to take us to the airport, everyone pile on!" The class immediately rushed outside and piled onto the bus. I walked calmly after them, only picking up the pace to place my baggage under the bus. I climbed onto the bus, settling for a seat next to Alya who wouldn't shut up. I just sighed and nodded along in false excitement. The trip to the airport was about 20 minutes long. It was easy enough, I prayed that I wouldn't get seated next to her on the 8 hour long plane ride though.

The class loaded off the bus and spilled into the airport. Chatting excitedly, I joined in, not wanting to look out of place. hooked arms with alya and started babbling about how excited i was to meet THE black widow, (to further justify any suspicious action toward her, as i didn't need a reporter on my tail.) We headed through to security and my earpiece crackled into life. "Заходим в левый контрольно-пропускной пункт, металлоискатель выключен, а охранник один из наших. Он будет снова включен после того, как вы пройдете" (Go into the left security check, the metal detector is off and the guard is one of ours. It will be turned back on after you go through)

I steered to the far left and got through security without a problem, got my boarding pass and waited for the rest of our classmates to come through security. About 20 minutes later we boarded the plane, thankfully I got seated next to juleka. She's one of the quieter of my classmates, something I was grateful for at last. We settled into our seats, I got the window and helped juleka put her bag up into the overhead locker. We exchanged small talk for a few minutes before I plugged my headphones in and she fell asleep. I sent the signal to my commander that I was on board and the briefing started to play and I got out the files that had been given to me by security.

It read..
HYDRA information booklet:
Name: Natalia Alienova Romanova
Age: (check that)
Alias: Black Widow
Children: 1
Relationship: James Bucky Barnes
Training: The Red Room & SHIELD

Name: Anthony Edward Stark
Age: 50?
Status: AVENGER, Billionaire
Alias: Iron Man
Children: Adopted child (alias unknown)
Relationship: Pepper Potts
Training: Father (Howard Stark)

Name: James "Bucky" Barnes
Age: 103
Alias: The winter soldier, white wolf
Children: 1
Relationship: Natalia Romanova
Training: British military, HYDRA

Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Status: Honorary AVENGER
Alias: Spider-Man
Children: 0
Relationship: Unknown
Training: Unknown

And the list went on for every avenger. I read through it, analysing my new information. I didn't know that Natalia and James had a child. Was it the same one? Who was it? (AN: You see what I'm doing don't you 🤭)

Anyway, I closed my eyes and drifted off into a dreamless sleep for the rest of the flight.

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