chapter three - new york city

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I awoke 8 hours later, to the landing gear touching down. New York City. The last time i was here things did not go well, my identity almost got revealed and i had SHIELD on my tail. But - lets hope this time goes down better. it took an excruciatingly long time for my class to get from one end of the airport to the other. But when we finally got to the exit, we had to wait a few minutes before the bus came. Madame bustier explained that some of us would have to sit on a bus with some students from the other school, as we were sharing the trip with them.

The buses finally arrived and i got on an almost full one that must have had the other school in it, I put my luggage underneath the bus and climes on board. I sat down at the back, next to this nerdy looking kid who I recognised from my file as Stark's intern/son. Figured it was secret, as he looked very pale, probably nervous he was to get revealed as a billionaires adopted son.

I sat down and we introduced ourselves, and he gave me a warm smile, he seemed a nice enough kid to be honest. I decided it would be in my best interest to get close to him, Maybe using him for information or finding out blackmail. I learned a bit about him on the ride, he "lived in queens" (I knew that was fake), was sixteen years old, had ADHD, loved star wars and science.

I gave him some information about 'me'. I told him I was fifteen (true), I lived in Paris with my mother and father, wanted to be a fashion designer and that I also loved Star Wars. He seemed surprised at my English because it was almost perfect except for the Russian accent I had not been able to shake my whole life. I informed him that I had originally migrated from Russia to France but my mama was French and my father, Russian to justify my accent. (okay i lets pretend that the reason that their class out of all the classes at Françoise Dupont is because they could all speak english because i'm too lazy to figure out how to do it otherways.)

About ten minutes later a jock looking boy stuck his head in between us and declared loudly "yo girl, what are you doing talking to penis Parker when I'm right here?" Slightly pissed off i fired back "why are you calling him penis when you are the dick in this situation?" The boy looked affronted but left us alone. "Dude that was awesome! Nobody ever stands up to flash!" Peter whispered excitedly to me. "His name is flash? Americans are weird." I said in mild confusion.

He told me that his actual name was Eugene, we swapped phone numbers and he added me into a group chat with his friends that were on another bus.

*marinette dupain Cheng has been added to the chat*
MyfriendscallmeMJ: who is this Peter?
Peterparkour: this is a French student I made friends with on the bus!
Maninthewheeliechair: yooo no way Peter made a friend all by himself!?
Peterparkour: very funny Ned 🙃🔪
Marinette dupain cheng: hello everyone
*myfriendscallmeMJ has changed marinette dupain cheng to ouiouibaguettebitch*
ouiouibaguettebitch: love the name change

just then the bus went quiet as the tower came into view, flash broke the silence by yelling "HA PENIS, BETTER TELL EVERYONE YOU'RE LYING NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!" peter let out an exasperated sigh before responding, "i'm not lying flash, you'll realise that when we get there." i just patted his back, at which he blushed at a bit. (guys i think spideychelle is adorable but for the sake of this story and writing material i'm putting maryia x peter) the bus jolted to a stop and everyone hushed again, the sheer size of the tower intimidating. i was quiet for a different reason. if i failed this mission either the avengers or the red room were going to kill me. i can't not fail, i'd rather die by the avengers' hands than by my organisation's.

the teacher at the front of the bus gave all of his students a warning before telling everyone to collect their luggage from under the bus and then to line up and join the other students. and we did just that, i grabbed my suitcase and backpack then went over with peter to meet his friends. I immediately hit it off with MJ, she was my kinda person, Ned told me i looked adorable and hit me with a ton of questions about being from France. I answered his questions the best i could, (considering i wasn't actually from france.) and then asked him "if Eugene was always such an ass?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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