Chapter 1

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Rena POV

I sat up quickly in bed my knuckles turning white as they clutched my comforter. I breath hard, the my blond hair plastered across my face, my hairline dripping with sweat.

"Why does it keep coming back?" I whisper to myself. "Why does it keep coming back ?" Tears start tumbling down my cheeks, I bite my blanket to muffle the sobs. The tears run into my mouth in all saltiness.

"Why," I sniffle. "did he have to? He has destroyed the rest of my life!" I grab my pillow and clutch it to my chest, my face sinks into it to cover my screams. "It always come back," I whisper "it wont let me forget."

I walk into the bathroom, ignoring my red eyes and tear stained cheeks. I grab the package of razors and tear it open. My hand trembles as I pick up the razor. I quickly break it apart and pick up a blade. It's long and thin, the actual sharp edge is one millimeter wide and three centimeters long. I extend my left arm and lay it on the counter. I the blade slices through my skin. No one will find out. I run it down again. No one will notice. Blood runs down my arm. No one cares. I repeat the motion, letting the slight physical pain distract from the emotional. I want to die, but at the sametime I don't. I'm lost, I'm know what real pain is. I found out too soon. I want it to go. It's all my fault. I got him mad, it's not his fault I got him angry. If I had just done what he asked I would not be here. The look on his face when he hit me. It was so red. When he threatened to kill me no remorse was in his eyes. I pushed him to far. I pull out my phone and swallow hard. When Brylee picks up my voice wavers slightly then steadies.

"Brylee, I need to stay at your house tonight. Can I, please?" I ask biting my lip. I feel the tears running down my face, but they're silent. I've learned, tears mean weakness to him. He will come back he promised. It wasn't the first time and won't be the last. If I had just Don't stop Rena, just don't. One more year of this, one more year.

"Um, sorry Rena we have family tonight."

"I understand, thanks, Bye." I say nodding and hang up. I can't stay here, I shove some cloths into a bag and open my window. I brick scrapes against my hands in the dark. I jump down three feet from the ground. I walk, where to, I don't know. I limp, he choose my leg tonight. My black eye will be covered with make-up, though it will be puffy.The bloody arm, I wear three quarter sleeves for a reason. I stumble to the ground I clutch my my leg. Tears run down my face, Why me, what have I ever done. I am so tired, but I have to go, to leave. Later, today it is too far. Everything is out of reach. Why are those lights so bright, why are they stopping.

Asher's POV

That bastard. He did that to my sister, got her to leave. It's his fault now she in the hospital. What the... there's someone on the side of the road. A girl? I start to pull over and jump out of my truck. I walk up to her and glance at her. "Hey," I say.

Her hands fly to her face, "Don't hurt me," she mumbles, slightly lowering her arms. a black eye comes into view. I clench my fists.

"Where do you live, I'll bring you home," I say lifting her up noting her swollen ankle and battered leg.

"No," she mumbles "not there," she says turning into my chest. I look at her face then look away quickly, that black eye.

I don't even know her and I want to beat the shit out of whoever did this. I move my hand to the top of her left arm to support her better. She flinches and whimpers. Crap I can't just leave her. I walk to my truck and, deposit her in the passenger side. I drive to my flat and carry her up the stairs. I unlock the door and place her on my bed. Her shirt is soaked through with blood on one arm.

I walk to the couch and fall asleep.Screams echo through the flat along with heavy sobs. I sit up on the couch quickly and sprint to my room. Tears are running down her face in sheets

"No, stop, stop!" She cries out wriggling around. I grab her arm and shake. Her eyes fly open and swats away my hand. "Get away from me!" she shouts pulling herself toward the headboard.

I step back my hands in the air. "I'm not going hurt you," I whisper.

"Who are you?"

"Asher," this would be comical if she wasn't literally black and blue.

"Wh... Why am I here"

"To be honest I'm trying to figure that out. I found you on the side of the road." I whisper, the fear on her face is sobering.

"You going to be alright?" I ask. She nods and I turn and leave.

The look on her face makes me want to scream and It's tearing me apart But I wont tell anyone that. She was so scared, it isn't right! I punch the wall taking out my anger, the drywall cracks splitting. I want to beat the shit out of whoever did that to her.

I clench my fist, and grin almost evilly. I going to find out who did this, and when I do they're going to pay.


This is my first story. (On wattpad)

I open to any advice. Please vote. Anyone who reads this is my hero. Thank you!

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