Chapter 3

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Rena's POV

I jump up. "I'm late for school!" I yell running full tilt out the door. I run down the street my laces slapping against the side walk. My stomach rumbles in protest against the lack of food bouncing around inside. I let out a sigh and try to run faster. I hear a car pulling up beside me and stop. The driver smiles at me and swings the door open. Rolling my eyes I get in.

"What school do you go to?" Asher asks eyes on the road as I buckle my seat belt.

I smirk. Smart pick me up and have no idea wear your going. "Silvernight Secondary, you know the way?"

"Yeah actually, I go there!"

"No way! I'm senior year. You?"

"Me to actually. How come I've never seen you?" I'm so surprised right now.

I scratched his neck like he was embarrassed. "I usually keep to myself. My twin sister keeps the spot light. Lexus, is the star of the family."

My eyes pretty much pop out of my face. Lexus bullied me for years, this was not a good idea. "Lexus as in Lexus Powell?" I inwardly pleaded it not be her.

He kind of winced. "Yup, that her."

"Stop the car," he looked at me like I was insane. "I said stop the Car!" I basically yelled. My whole body paused froward as he slammed on the brakes.

"Why? Why is it such a big deal that she my sister?" I seemed mad, that couldn't be good.

"Well," I start. "Ever since I moved her freshman year, she's bullied me. Happy. Is your sister still the perfect angel?" I want to cry. She pushed when I was down, made fun of my bruises. Why did they think it was more fun to push someone who was already down? High school, sucks. Why was everyone so cruel.

I felt my eyes widen as a pair of arms rapped around me. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that," he said his word muffed by my hair.

My eye widened as I realized something. Why didn't he live at home. "Um, Asher?" I ask poking his side. "Why don't you live at home?"

He looks ahead a sad look digging deep into his face. "Because, I don't have a home. I have a bunch of people without emotions walking through a big house. My family isn't worth it."

I blinked away tears I didn't understand it. I had run away a few time each time I got caught, and beaten, but I still had missed my family. How he could be so, emotionless made me wonder. I wrapped my arms around him. "Well, now, your stuck with me." I smile up at him.

He smirked wickedly. "I guess it could be worse," his fingers dig into my sides tickling me. I giggle loudly, when he hits a bruised rib. I wince noticeably as his finger connect with a harsh bruise. He looks sorry for a second then a wicked smirk spread across his face. "Wanna skip today?"

I shrug noncommittally, "I got nothing better to do, why not," I really don't care today I start living on the edge.

He shifts into drive and slams on the gas. I watch first shops and grocers whiz by, than houses, and farms each with more space between. I open the window and let an arm hang out letting the wind whip my long blond hair around my face, the sun danced across my skin, but still allowed the shade of the trees, occasionally join the dance. I smile, and the past, I imagined it blowing away with the wind. I watched Asher smile his green eyes danced, flecks of gold and blue streaked through them. His longish brown hair whirled around his face. The way the light hit his face made him appear angelic, I suppose he was. No, he was a badass, with enough kindness to touch his outside and help me. I know he's going to hide this from everyone else.

Klall Lake came into view and he pressed harder on the gas. The sunlight reflected off the waters, in the pit of my stomach something stirred.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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