Bathtub- Jimin

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I called her up but she did not pick up... Its been 3 days since we talked... I didn't want to go to suga all over again... I was starting to hate him for all he probably was right about... I hate it how he might have been right all along...

I dialed her number again, to hear the woman saying she has turned her phone off... Last time, she was so cold that i couldnt bare it... I let her be for 3 damn days and now, she won't even pick up... What has gotten into her...?

Suga, I'll kill you and myself if you were right...

But i have no choice...i went to sugas room... I went to our room...

Ever since j hope killed himself, everything changed... I changed...

That was the time when i ignored sugas advices and went to her... Finally, i went to the one whom i have been having a crush on since she broke up with suga... I went to the one known as the uncommited and i leaned on her shoulder... She accepted me when even j hope, the best of my friends left me alone... But suga warned me that i am wrong about her loving me... I was wrong about me dying before j hope does, i cant be wrong about her too...

I need her... She is my drug... I just need her to be mine and only mine... I can't bare another beloved one going away from me... I can't take another betrayal...

I knocked on the door and went in... Suga was lying in bed, cressing the sheets with the back of his hand... He has been noticably quiet these days...

"Hey, you awake?"

"Oh jimin... Eh... Yeah..."

"Do you have some time..?"

"Always... So whats the prob?"

"Its her... She won't pick up..."

"Why wouldnt she...? You had a fight?"

I know suga knows her better... But he still pretends... For my sake

"I dont know-"

Some one knocked on the door

"Hey jimin, there is a letter for you" V said

A letter?

"K thanks, get in"

V gave me the letter, winked at suga and went out... Suga let out a loud sigh

I opened the letter to find some pictures in it... About 6 pictures

It was her... With another guy...

Behind the most heart breaking pic of them all in which they were kissing, i saw a familiar hand writing

It was her hand writing

"Hello jimin, i didnt know how to tell you this but i no longer am intrested in our relation ship... Bye"

That was... This is the end...

I almost forgot how to breathe... Everything was so vague except the picture and the words which read in a sarcastic tone... All pounding and smashing my brain into nothing... My life turned into nothing...

I don't know which one was worse... J hope dying or she betrying me... Why couldn't she just die and for j hope to live!?

"jimin... Listen..."

"Shut up suga... I get it you were right... Get the hell outta my sight!" I screamed, while my voice was trembling since i tried to keep my tears from falling

" Ok i will..."

Suga left... He looked as sad as me... Everything looked sad... Everything

I needed to take a bath... I needed to calm myself... Some how

I was watching the water run and i tried to concentrate but it was no use... I was trembling...

I got into the tub then i suddenly realized that i was still wearing my clothes and the pic was still held tight in my grip...

I took sugas lighter from the table on which he kept his cigarettes... He started smoking a while ago... About 4 days after j hope died

I held the pic and i set it on fire... I watched it as it burnt...

It burnt bright and as it got to her face, i couldnt take it any more... I couldnt burn her...

I let go of the pic, for it to fall on the ground but it was still burning... I hurried out of the tub, just to grab her pic and keep it from burning... I burnt my hand and the cold bathroom floor with my burnt hand made a paradox which resulted in me shivering...

I remembred all the times we had togather... She even took those pics in our favorite park... How could she... I hate her... But i love her... Why do i need her...

I went back into the tub, so that i could get my mind clear... I could make it clear once and for all... Clear from the pain of losing when i can get lost myself...

The water was over flowing from the tub... I slid lower to get my mouth and nose under the water

I eventually came to the surface... A dead body will always come to the surface

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