Fire - Suga

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*****since suga is swag, this chapter has a lot of cursing :D*****


"You have no right to play around and you know it! Leave that boy out of this!" I screamed at her... I just brokup with her and now she is threatening me... After j hope died, I realized whom I liked truly.... that person is gone

"Well then, watch me" she said and slammed the door behind her back

End of flashback

I was playing with my lighter as jimin came in... he slipped into our bed and smiled like an idiot

"Hey to you too, what's happened? Seeing you all bubbly after so long"

"Hehe! Hyung, she was really happy today! I have to say thank you-" I cut him off

"I'm telling ya she is no good jimin..."

"Hyung, if she was good you wouldn't have broken up with her right?! But she is good enough for me! "  he said, flushing me a bright smile... I am not to take away the happiness of the one j hope cared so much about... but I know how this will all end...

"So hyung, are you...still smoking. .?"

"What's it to you?" I said, with a rather pissed attitude. Jimin knows better not to mess with me when I am pissed

"Oh okay... but hyung... I... still miss j hope..."

"Shut up jimin just shut the hell up"

"Woah... er... ok I'll be leaving now..."

Well... base on how I just lost my temper it is time to go out for smoking... I'm so glad that the park in which I broke up with her is near our dorm... damn that park for showing her to jimin... damn that slut

I grabbed a pack of cigarettes and went walking... the sun was still shining and I could sense happiness of the couples around me... they can all suck my ass... believing in happily ever after shit... I rose my head to let the smoke out of my lungs when I saw a familiar figure... it was her... but she wasn't alone... she was with a guy... kissing...

Damn it! I have to tell jimin... Finally he would get what I'm trying to tell him

I took my phone out and I snapped a few pictures of them... how disgusting she is

I went up to her and I took her by the hand, making her spin around to face me

"Oh well... if it isn't the wicked witch of the west... your over with jimin... I took enough pics to finally convince him"

She innocently looked at me and said "Oppa... this guy is stalking us?!" I was shocked... how can she play dumb at such a moment?!

"Hey Bastered!  What are you doing?! Give me your phone right now!"

The guy was twice my size and he snatched the phone out of my grip... I saw a fucking grin on her face

"So you really are stalking us?!??"

"Oppa~ but these photos turned out great! He must've mistaken us with someone else! Can't you see how he is smoking? Poor guy..."

I wanted to punch that stupid innocence off her face and turn her insides out... I clutched my fist

"Oh ok dear... I'll take these pictures and you can get the fuck lost"

I was so pissed that I just left them there, not even bothering to get my phone back

I bought another pack and smoked it all... as I was heading towards the dorm, v called... I told him about what I caught and he was just grinning... doesn't this kid understand what this means!? But he said jimin would be free of her charm if he gets to see the pics anyways... and that he won't be too shocked cause I have been telling him so all along

This kid... he always has a way of cheering everyone up

I went to our room and I left my lighter in the bathroom just to sleep on the bed...I couldn't sleep and as jimin arrived, we talked a bit...she has ignored all of his calls... after some time,  v came in giving jimin an envelope... v winked at me and I knew this only had one meaning...she has givin the pictures

She hadn't been picking up her phone and now she sends these... awsome...


"Shut up suga...Ok I get it you were right... get the hell outta my sight!"

I geuss he needs some time alone...

"Ok I will..."

I left him in the room so he could get himself togather...somehow

Hours past and as I wondered around the city, I felt the need to smoke again... I searched my pockets but my lighter wasn't there... I remembred that I had left it in the dorm... I had to smoke with only that one lighter... it was a gift from j hope...

I went to the dorm and I opened the door to our room with my keys since jimin is probably I went inside, I saw that water was running from the bathrooms door and jimin was no where to be found... I opened the door to the bathroom but god... wish I hadn't

Jimin was flouting in the water which was running down the bathtub... his face was facing the ceiling but his eyes were lifeless... I stood there, shocked, and then something hit my was my lighter on the water covering the bathroom floor and I could see a soaked picture which was half burned near it... oh god...

I rushed in and grabed jimin and tried to pull him out of the tub


I don't know if I was screaming or crying...







"Dear jin,

It has been some time since those unfortunate events took place within our group... I am sorry

This might as well be the last time I would ever talk to you in some time... take good care of everyone... ok? I know you can do so...

The day jimin left, you told me I should have just left jimin and his girlfriend alone... there is also another scandal happening in our group which only I am aware of... but as I have taken your advice, my lips are sealed... just take care of everyone

By the way, spend more time with jungkook... he is the youngest and he needs more support after I am gone... losing 3 people im such a short period can be rough on the child

I am sorry... I am such a coward but I just can't live with myself anymore... other than not confessing to j hope, I also am responsible for the death of his one best friend... I have betrayed him... I have betrayed myself

Sincerely, suga"

I left the note sticking to the door of my room... I grabbed the oil and I spread it around the room... I, too, was considered of this room

I knew this lighter would be the end of me... either by smoking or...


Hehe, tnx for reading and liking this story, tbh, I had left this story behind and I didn't plan on updating it but cuz of the number of readers rising, I gave it a second chance :)

I'll be happy if u comment and tell me how it was...^^

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