It′s not love, It might be closer be despair

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By the time you are reading this I'm writing Shoto's POV of this<3

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Cause even though I'm pretty sure my head′s exploding

I'm not ready for hand holding

It′s not love, I swear

It might be

Closer To


Maybe I have already found the right person

but I'm not ready Yet.


it's been 2 weeks since shoto's confession, things hasn't been the same for the 2 of them.

Hey, Shu, Luca, have you seen Ike? I need to talk to him Vox asked in a serious manner, his eyebrows were witted and his face was sullen.

H-hey, you alright Voxxy? Luca questioned worryingly, Luca's right, are you okay? Shu added. Vox was never the type to be serious he is

usually more laid back and relax, unless it was something important. Though those times were quite rare.

Shu Yamino, in his friend group called Luxiem, One of shoto's friends, thinks that cursing is uneccesary(true),he is that one

sweetheart friend you can bring home to show your family, Has an energetic boyfriend Luca, good at comforting people. His

nickname is sorcerer as when anyone has an IT issue he is able to fix it like magic sorcerers use! (Shupport:>)

Luca Kaneshiro, in his friend group called Luxiem, Himbo, uses "POG!" Every 5mins, likes running, despite having asthma he

has a lot of stamina and energy, has a boyfriend called Shu, he is a self proclaimed EVIL MAFIA BOSS because of a game he

played, he likes to call himself mean and evil but I'm fact he is just a human sized teddy bear

I'm okay guys just chill~ Vox persuaded them. Okay then... I think I saw Ike in the lecture hall B replied Shu. Vox thanked the 2 before he

left to find Ike.

"Hey sho you good? You have been gloomy all day, even Fuchan is asking if you're okay,"

I'm fine...Uki, just a bit tired...

2 voices could be heard as Vox passed by the bathrooms, as the 2 was about to come out, Vox immediately ran off and hid in the Janitor's

room which was the closest to him. Poor boy shoto was still dejected by Vox's rejection, If there wasn't a test that day, he would have

stayed home sobbing. Shoto had his head in the clouds all day, he couldn't even focus on his test, luckily he was able to come back to his

body to save himself from the test at the last minute. (Poor guy :( shotoooo)

As Vox paitiently waited for them to walk away, he sits in the room Vox hugged his knees close to his chest. Vox procrastinates if he did

the right thing, iT pains his heart that Shoto have been so dispirited and miserable in contrast to his usual bubbly personality. Vox stares

at his shoes as he lowers his head in guilt and shame. Vox didn't mean to make Shoto so disheartened. Although Vox may seem like his

usual flirtatious and carefree self, it is all just a facade. He hasn't been able sleep ever since Shoto's confession. Vox and Shoto barely

talk anymore, Vox no longer has the guts to flirt or even talk to Shoto. The 2 grew apart in the during the spent of 2 weeks. Vox needed

Ike's help. He doesn't know who else to go to that he trust.

[knock knock] hey Ike I need to talk to you uhm again...

Ah, H-hi Vox... what do you need? Ike responded,

surprised that he was approached by Vox again, it's been awhile since Vox's last visit.


Ah, how unexpected.. Ike sighed. Should I approach him??? Should I throw in a few pick up lines??? WHAT DO I DOO?? Vox cried out in

frustration, I suppose you should tell Shoto that you do like him, but you just need time, if he truly loves you he would wait. Ike

suggested, I can barely face him, how can I approach him...Vox laughs sadly, Shoto looks so disheartened and miserable He doesn't even

show that cute smile anymore Vox groaned dejectedly. I'm surprised you can even say that in your current situation Ike commented

judgingly. Ah I miss my little demon slayer..Vox sniffles with tears in his eyes. Weirdly, the room had suddenly been quiet that you could

hear a pin drop. H-hey Ike? you there? Vox asked as he turned his head to face Ike. Y-yeah I-I'm fine I just felt a little fatigue ...Ike replied

lethargically, face pale as white as a sheet of paper. I don't think I should bother you any longer, you should go home and rest... Vox

adviced worriedly. Ike agreed and left for "home" . Vox didn't think much of it left for his apartment.


Time to let go..


one step at a time


Stuck with covid I miss my dog sm :'( I wanna get out of my room I miss them sm
Ily my dog Angel and Holly!!

I have to admit that my dog Holly, a sheltie looks like Mysta but dog vers Lol maybe I should change her name to mysta

My auto correct keeps changing mysta's name to musta, mustang, mustard, mystic, musty 😀

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