Guess it's time I tell you the truth

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You know I give a fuck about you everyday

Guess it's time that I tell you the truth

If I share my toys,

will you let me stay?

Don't want to leave this play date with you


Shoto we need to talk. I know this isn't the best time ...but I think you should know.

okay...but I think we should go somewhere quiet. Shoto acquiesced, he gently grabbed Vox's hand and led him to the cafe nearby.

As they sat down, Vox asked if he could start his story. However, Shoto said that they should first get a drink and snacks then they should

Though, it was just an excuse, Shoto wasn't ready to face Vox so quickly, he had only just left home after 2 weeks of sobbing in his room.

Shoto needed more time, but he wasn't able to bring himself to tell Vox. He didn't want to be seen as weak and vulnerable. Shoto hurries

to get his drink, he bought an iced coffee for Vox and got himself one too and to relax himself he got a slice of cheesecake.


Can I say it now? Vox asked in a soft tone, Shoto nodded his head in consent as he sipped on his iced coffee. Shoto..I-I like you too...he

stammered as he blushed. The reason I didn't say it before was because I'm not ready...for a serious relationship again...but if it's you I will

try...before you blame me for it...I.. I have a confession to make. I used to date Ike. It didn't end all well you see, it seems that I have

been a little scared for it to happen again. Vox confessed. Shoto didn't utter a word he was just dumbfounded. Should I be angry he didn't

say he liked me faster that I cried for 2weeks? Or should I be shocked that he used to date Ike? Shoto thought to himself, puzzled he

didn't know what expression he should put on. Breaking the silence, Shoto deadpanned, You were scared? He was monotonous as he

didn't know what emotion to express. Well he was just shocked that Vox was scared of something. In such a awkward situation, Vox didn't

expect Shoto to say something like that so random. Hah...pffft...Vox giggled behind his hands in an attempt to hide his chuckling but was

failing miserably. Shoto just sat there speechless , he slowly gained back his ability to speak. WAIT WAIT WAIT, SO YOUR TELLING ME


VOICE DOWN...and yes I did what about it Vox challenged. I- I haven't even gotten my first girlfriend...shoto mumbled. Why have a

girlfriend when you have a boyfriend right in front of you~ Cooed Vox. Agh..why did I like you again shoto face palmed himself. How did

you even date him though? I know he is also in Luxiem,but he seems like someone who is more up tight and tamed quite the opposite of

you. Shoto knitted his eyebrows together wondering. He might seem like it, but once you get to know him, he is quite the fun guy. No

strings attached though. Vox clarified. Since you asked that I assume you want to know why we even got together in the first place.He



Ike and I used to be just friends.

we met during our first year In high school along with the rest of luxiem.. We were only friends then, but we enjoyed each other's

company a lot. As you know Ike studies quite a lot, I used to accompany him during those times. He always over exerts himself so I had

to continuously remind him to relax himself. Ike used to help me with my projects as well. In trade off that I cook for him. He used to be

so busy that he didn't have time to cook or even learn how to cook basic meals. Because of these things, we grew closer. During my 2nd

year of high school i confessed, and He accepted. I dated him till freshman year. Out of the blue, when everyone was celebrating the

starting of the holidays. Ike called me up he asked to meet me, I thought he wanted to walk home with me like the usual but he just

broke up with me, he said he was in love with someone else. Though, he never dated anyone after we broke up. Maybe he was just scared

to tell me he didn't like more than a friend anymore that he didn't an excuse. From that they I just cut all ties with him. I took the hint

that he didn't like my accompany anymore, thus I left him. I moved out of his apartment, I got one of my own. Although it has been

sometime since then, I guess I never really got over it. It was my first serious relationship really. Not just a fling, or for show, but for true

love. I guess I was really heart broken then.'s my first time I have ever said this to someone, we never revealed our

relationship to anyone back then or even now. Mysta, Shu and Luca didn't know of it, but I'm pretty sure they knew something happened.


Vox faced downwards, his eyebrows bended. Seems that the break up hit him pretty hard...Shoto thought to himself, it's okay! You have

me now your no longer alone Shoto smiled assuring Vox. Vox felt the warmth he haven't felt for along time.


Thank you shoto

My little demon slayer

please don't ever leave me... my little ray of sunshine

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