About The Teasing - Mihyun

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"That's what you said last time we had this discussion."

"I - I mean it though, Mina, I promise - after this next book gets published, we'll talk about it again."

"No, Dahyun, I don't want to 'talk about it' any more, I want to have a baby! I want to have your baby," Mina couldn't believe they were having this conversation - again. Dahyun always said they weren't ready, it wasn't a good time, they needed more financial security, it might rain next year... it seemed like any excuse would do to cover for the younger's fear of committing to a child.

"But your show -"

"Is ending in four months."

"Well, then you'll need to find another project - you know you don't like not working -"

"I already have the voice acting project, and a tentative album deal, Dahyun, you know that."

"A-and... we'll need a bigger place, there isn't room for a baby here!"

"Dahyun, we have a guest bedroom, your office, and an exercise room with nothing in it but a few weights and my elliptical."

The writer's jaw tightened, and Mina could see the wheels turning, spinning, trying to find an excuse - any excuse - to delay this step in their relationship.

"Mina, please, be reasonable about this -"

"Reasonable? Dahyun, I've let you set the pace on this for years, but we haven't moved forward at all. I'm ready. You're scared, I get it, but Dahyunie, if we wait for you to not be scared, we'll never do this. I... don't you want a family with me?"

"Yes - Mina, of course I want a family with you. I just think it's too soon, we should wait until - "

"I'm done waiting. I've just finished my period and I'm not starting the pill again. I'm sorry to have to do this, but consider this an ultimatum - no baby, no sex."

"Oh now you're just being ridiculous - you aren't going to punish both of us over this," Dahyun smirked, certain the older wouldn't be able to stick to her plan. Mina's libido was high maintenance just like the rest of her, and she initiated sex just as often (if not more) than Dahyun. There was a reason Dahyun had worked on her PC muscle and had a low - sometimes non-existent - recharge time. The older was virtually insatiable at times and there was no way she'd be able to withhold sex for any length of time.

"Watch me, Dahyun" Mina was deadly serious, she was tired of her wife's excuses.

Dahyun contemplated the older's backside as she stormed away, her wife really was sexy when she was pissed. The brunette felt her cock twitch and sighed, knowing that Mina would stick to her promise at least for tonight. She hated denying the brunette anything, but this was just such a big change. She loved her wife, of course, and there was a part of her that loved the idea of having a mini-Mina running around, but had to admit she was selfish and didn't want to share the woman with anyone.

This will blow over soon enough, something will come up to distract her or she'll just get too horny to hold out, and things will go back to normal, I'm sure of it.

Mina knew Dahyun thought she didn't have the fortitude to stick to her ultimatum, but she was serious - Dahyun had waffled and delayed for too many years and they weren't getting any younger. Mina wanted a family with Dahyun and she was willing to do whatever it would take to make that happen. God blessed her with two hands and someone brilliant enough to invent dildos, she'd be fine. It wouldn't be quite the same, but she was going to outlast Dahyun on this. It was only a matter of time before the brunette cracked. Mina was going to make sure of that.

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