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Thorn sat in his seat, he had kindergarden with solar normally..but he had died in the hospital while he was there ,tho he dint understand it.he tought he was sleeping, it took him a minute proses how his brothers reacted to start crying too. Thorn had a hard time understanding situaltions and alweys had solar's help to understand...but now he wasn't here animore..he never saw him in the hospital animore bicus they dont visit him!

His funural was already done but thorn still dint understand it and just cried with the others. Over the years life got way harder to understand. He would have no friends and still fail untill they had a spesific class. Math..its somthing he remmemberd solar helped him with, the tiny genieus also helped his big brothers with it!

He scored high untill serten stuff he dint understand..at home he would look arround the garden to find his brother..who already left the world. Each night he would still be looking for him, he never gets the intire night as he keeps being reminded solar isn't here animore. But the wurse part is..he dint understand.

At the age of 16 he sat in his garden, watching the sunflower infront of him. He had fanelly understood wat happend..he felt awfull..it felt wrong! He never tought it would be over for his brother so young..why was it not him?

It hurted him so much knowing the absence of his brother.. he wished he had known..that he could of hugged him for that last time! But wat dot he knew..he was so bad at knowing stuff..he still is..he hated it so much.

Gempa was next to him watching over him. He had realised it sunk in on thorn, he new the truth..he knew it would hurt. He would need sombody to hug in these moments of life. He knew how the absance of solar killed him inside...he felt it too.. halilintar would usally each night help him calm down.

'All losses are hard to recover from..bicus you recall memories but not the person..'

This will be just like- one shots?- but with quotes! Im currently still doing 5 requests but i wanted to post this aniways!

Monday 20 februari 2023 00:04

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