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"Penny! I missed you so much." Pheonix says before lifting Penny up and spinning her as she giggles. Otto snarled, showing his teeth and expressing his anger towards the former cop. Pheonix placed her down. "Baby, I'm so glad you are back. I can't LIVE with out you." Yeah, but you guys aren't even fucking dating, you fucking prick. Otto thought. Penny giggled as she stood on her feet (ER.. Paws? Lol confusion) "I missed you too, Pheonix." Otto jumped in the middle of them, facing Penny. "HEY. All of us are going to this summer camp that is right around the corner, and it starts tomorrow. Believe it or not you don't have to sign up, so you are free to come." Otto said, trying to get Penny's attention back. Penny smiled wide. "R-really?! I would love to go!" Pheonix exhaled. "Alright. You can share a bunk with me if you like.~" He flirted. Penny stares at Pheonix. "Uh, no thanks." She replied as politely as she could. She turned her head to Otto and winked. It took him a while to realize what she ment, but then he realized. She-she wants to share a bunk with me?!
Otto blushed heavily and nodded to her. All three of them heard a door open nearby. Blue walked out of his house and noticed them. "Hey guys. I see that Penny is back." He said to them. Penny smiled at Blue and waved. "Hello, Blue! I see you grew your hair longer..." She says. Blue shakes his head a little, making his hair move. He grew his hair so long that nobody can see his eyes, but for some reason he can still see. Penny turned back to Otto. "So the camp, it starts tomorrow?" Otto nods. "Yeah. It's a huge camp near a lake, and it's absolutely beautiful.." Otto said. Just like you, Penny... Otto blushed. Penny realized he was blushing. "Hey, Otto, are you ok? Your face is red." Penny asked, putting her hand on his cheek. Otto stared at her brown eyes. He couldn't hold it back anymore. He slams his muzzle against hers, making Penny's ears point up in surprise. Pheonix's ears went up as well, but in irritation. Before Otto knew it, he was on the floor with his jaw bleeding.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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