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Y/n woke up, their head throbbing.
Arguably from their stiff pillow, seemingly never used before
As they fluttered their eyes, they noticed a familiar young boy in green from yesterday

"Hey Y/n!! Did ya sleep well?"

"Ugh, no... That pillow is as hard as a rock"

"Well, you should be awake it's nearly 5 AM!"

"Five in the morning!?"

They checked the clock. It was 4:53!

"It's way to early, wake me up at 8 o'clock"

"No silly! You have training to do! Slender will be disappointed, and he may even punish you with torture and shit..."


"Yup! Jeff told me"

"Jeff? Who's Jeff?"

"You'll see very soon. Now get up, I'll help you to the training room!"

They got up, and checked their closet... It occured to Y/N that the only clothes they owned was the forest green shirt, and black sweat pants they were wearing, but they checked anyways

'I saw your bare closet and I had to get you some trendy, yet timeless clothes, and make you a few things as I am a fashion designer!!
PS: I do not know your gender or style, so I kept it androgynous
Trenderman <3'

Y/n was amazed by the selections they could choose from in their style

but they yanked this on as they were late, so they choose something simple

I followed him throughout the mansion. It felt only mere seconds throughout the whole journey

Y/n's P.O.V.

"Ah, I've been looking all over for you two"

Don't think about torture, don't think about torture don't think about tor-

"Don't think about torture?"

"O-oh, i-i um..."

"Nevermind then. But you shall be punished for tartiness Y/N. My future proxies shall be obedient, and wake up at least ten minutes early!"

"Yes sir"

"O-of course Mr. Slenderman"

'he can read minds!'

We walked inside of the archway, and inside was a massive gym

The room appeared to be around a few hundred thousand square feet flooded with people of all ages battling each other, playing sports, and learning combat skills from the same curious species as the thin, tall, smooth-faced people akin to Slenderman
Trenderman looked like he was helping the students train by holding a punching bag while the older, more experienced students whalled their arms onto it

Amongst all of them, there stood out a young women who looked to be in her early twenties that held a particular energy that was intriguing, and confusing. She was angry. Angry at the world and out for bloodshed, while her animalistic hands where in their signature gloves, but the rest of her body were in a matching pair of in grey bike shorts, a polo shirt with a white strip with red in the middle of it and running shoes

"Hey... HEY!"


"You were looking at me..."

"I was... ? OH! I was!- Sorry, you just look so well-trained, and so much stronger than all of the other guys, I couldn't help but to notice"

"Thanks. Wait... Aren't you Y/n?"

Unsettling Spaghetti |Y/N x Creepypasta thing Idk ❤️Where stories live. Discover now