the dream

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A young girl, about seventeen years of age, stands in the middle of a clearing with her father. Tears stream down the girl’s face but the tears aren’t of water but of blood. she begs her father not to make her to this, but he simply shakes his head and says, “Sara, if you don’t do this you will end up dead before sunrise. You must take my hand now.” his voice was stern but edged with worry. Wiping her tears on the sleeve of the new black satin dress her mother had bought her, she nods her head and walks over to her father. The second she touched her fathers hand a ripping pain tore through her. The next thing she knew she was alone standing in a clearing much like the one before but this one was covered in a black fog.

Caroline woke up very suddenly, like being ripped away from the dream so she couldn’t see what happened to the girl named Sara that could be her twin. In a chair beside her was her mother, sound asleep. The question of why her mother was here quickly left her mind as a roaring headache made itself known. She hadn’t drank enough last night to rid herself of the fact that she wasn’t human and never was, she had to except that she was a demon and she would soon have to go through hell.

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