A Break For Freedom

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Bakugou POV-

Since yesterday, after Denki confessed to me on the roof i gave him my number. We have been messaging nonstop since then. It's currently 4:34 AM and school starts at 8:25 but we don't care. He is just perfect, everything about him. I love him. A few minutes later i got thirsty so i texted Denki be back in a minute. As i was walking to the kitchen i stepped on a creaky step hoping i don't wake up my parents. When i heard no movement i was relieved so i carried on walking. I opened the cabinet, got a glass out and poured water in the glass. As i was drinking i saw a shadowy figure and got scared, i stayed ever so still. Until it came towards and i dropped the glass, making a loud shattering sound throughout the house. I kept looking ahead, my whole body shaking. The figure then stepped out the dark and revealed itself. I let out a breath i didn't know i was holding in. "Jesus Dad you scared me to death", I said while picking up the broken pieces of glass on the floor. I wasn't careful about it so i accidentally cut myself numerous time before the glass was out of my hands. "Kat, omg don't do that", dad came and emptied my hand of glass and put it in the bin. He told me to go to the living room while he grabbed a first aid kit. i sat down and sighed.I've done it haven't i now, they will surely kick me out. I broke their glass and didn't clean it up. As my dad came into the room he grabbed my hand and started bandaging it up. I looked down the entire time not wanting to look at his disappointed face. "Kat bud, look at me" my dad said softly. I kept my head down, he crouched down in front of me so i was forced to look at him. "What's going on kid?" I could see a mixture of worry and a concerned glance on his face. "Y-your going t-to k-kick me o-out now aren't y-you?" i said with sadness. I saw shock appear on his face before he went back to stoic. "Kat, why would we kick you out?". Dad asked with curiosity. "Because, i-i b-broke one o-of your g-glasses and i d-didn't c-clean it up". I sighed, i knew this would happen, i fuck everything up. "Kat we would never kick you out even if you did something so terrible, you are our son. I didn't let you clean up the glass because i didn't want you to get hurt bud. After everything, i just want to keep you safe. I love you Kat". Dad literally poured his heart out and a few tears fell from my face. "I-i love y-you too Dad". I whispered barely even audible. I hugged him tightly afraid he will disappear if i let go. Dad let go before standing back up "come on Kat, go back to bed you have school in a few hours". I got up and went to my room. Before i went to bed i said goodnight to Denki then fell straight to sleep, with nightmares of course.


I shot up in a cold sweat, my heart racing at a thousand miles per hour. As i was trying to catch my breath a knock on the door was heard and then it opened. "You alright Kat" papa spoke with a delicate voice. I nodded, "let me j-just catch m-my b-breath". As i was inhaling and exhaling papa came to me and rubbed my back in comfort to help me. A few minutes later i was breathing fine again, i sighed. "Thanks papa" i looked up to find him smiling at me, "no problem kid". He ruffled my hair and i pulled him into a much needed hug. After the hug we went down to eat breakfast that he cooked. Papa's really good at cooking. I saw dad come in and go straight to the coffee maker, typical. After breakfast was eaten we all jumped in the car.


When we arrived i just looked at the building before sighing and walking in. When i got in class everyone was looking at me with concern. People started asking me if i was okay, what happened yesterday and where i was. I was about to bolt out the class until dad came in and told everyone to shut up and sit down. It was 3rd period where everything went wrong and i needed an escape. The teacher went to the bathroom so everyone thought this was a perfect time to ambush me. It started off with deku then Iida lecturing me then everyone just started piling in. It was getting too much and i was overwhelmed. I just ran and ran until i got to my dorm. I hadn't been in my dorm since i got taken in by Aizawa so there was little in here. I felt like i was choking so i took my uniform off and sat on my bed quickly calming myself down. I decided i didn't want to go back to class since the same thing will happen so i got changed into a black hoodie and black ripped jeans with a chain. I grabbed my skateboard and ran out the dorms. I started skating since i was little but i did it in secret but since the dorms got built i was able to go out more and ride. As i was riding down a hill i was just hit with freedom and it felt amazing. I didn't have a care in the world, i was free. I decided to put my cigarettes in the bin and buy some vapes. There was this big hype about the new flavours that were released a few days ago, since i had already tried all the other flavours i just thought fuck it why not. I had £25 so i bought 2 of them. They were £10 each. I started to try them and i thought they were alright. I skated some more before i stopped at a skate park and showed off a few tricks : An ollie,kickflip, heel flip and a shove it. People were impressed and some wanted hits of my vapes. Some didn't like the flavour as well as others did. I rode off at a fast rate feeling the wind while vaping. I felt alive for the first time ever. My parents called and messaged me numerous times but i ignored them. I went to a park and sat on a bench thinking about everything thats happened lately.

An hour later a car pulled up behind me. My dad hugged me from behind, relieved i was okay. "Kat what happened?", i was feeling every emotion and at that point it all came out. My dad was hugging me saying comforting words to me. I was sobbing for at least 15 minutes before i said anything. "I'm sorry dad, i just needed a break. I couldn't handle being in the class, everything was so overwhelming. And i-i just ran". I said finally getting everything out. My dad just hugged me, listening to everything i said. "Kat, know that you can always come to me or mic when you're feeling overwhelmed or when something isn't right. We are always here for you". My dad said smiling at me ever so slightly. "Kat were you smoking again?". i just chuckled. "Yeah i was but i threw away my cigs and got vapes instead, they won't kill me as faster if that's what you're worried about dad". My dad just sighed and laughed "well what are you waiting for give it here for me to try". He took it out of my hands and took a hit. "This is a good flavour, where'd you get it from?". I pointed at a location on my phone and he instantly knew where that was because that's where he gets his cigs from. "I didn't know you could skateboard". my dad asks with stars in his eyes. I chuckled, "yeah i can, it's a passion of mine. It makes me feel free and alive". I said softly with a big smile on my face. "I'm glad you do something that makes you happy son" dad said. "Thanks now what are we doing?". i was hoping i didn't have to go back to school. "Well there's no point in going back to school, there's only half an hour left so we will just go home". I nodded and put my skateboard in the boot and got in the front. As soon as we got home i ate some ramen noodles and texted denki.

My Pomeranian <3 : Hey Denks, sorry i didn't greet you today or really speak to you. I kinda just had a meltdown but i want to make up for it with a date so could you meet me after school in that cat cafe down the road the squad went to last time? x

Hot Pikachu <3 : Hey Kat, honestly it's okay don't feel bad we all have bad days! Yeah sure i'll meet you there! xxxx

My Pomeranian <3 : Thank you for understanding. I'll see you there xxxx

Hot Pikachu <3 : Bye love! I love you xxxx

My Pomeranian <3 : I love you too xxxx

I blushed at the nickname he called me. I decided i wanted to get there early so i told my dad i was going out and began skating there. I went into a booth and ordered some coffee waiting for Denki. 10 minutes later i saw a yellow head rushing towards me. Damn he looks good. Denki was wearing a yellow buttoned up shirt but the top 2 buttons were undone, black ripped jeans and yellow nike high tops. He was also wearing jewelry that i've never seen him wear. He wore 3 rings on his right hand and 2 on his left. He wore 1 chain that was plain and another chain but it had a cross on it. His nails were painted black and he has so many bracelets on both his wrists. All together, a beautiful boy is right in front of me. Before he sat down i stood up and kissed him on the lips. He looked surprised by that. "What was that for Kat?". i just smiled "I love you". Aww look he's blushing now. "I love you too Kat". Denki pulled me in for a hug. We stood hugging for a few minutes before we decided to sit down and enjoy ourselves. As we were talking a cat jumped up on my lap and i started stroking it. I don't think i've told anyone but i have a soft spot for cats, i love them alot. They are so cute and adorable.

After we finished eating me and denki was walking holding hands until we got to the park. We both sat down on a bench and talked for hours about random facts about us. We shared many laughs and smiles. But then it was time to go home. "This was the best day of my life denks". i showed a smile. A genuine smile, not a fake one a real one. "I had a fun time Kat, we should do this again". He said smiling brightly, blinding my eyes. We walked together until we had to go our separate ways. We shared a kiss full of love and passion. Denki walked off first. i waited until he was out of my sight, i then began riding home, laughing about the things we said. When i walked in my house i shut the door, leaned against it and smiled so brightly. "Why you so happy Kat?". My dad asked intrigued. I looked at him "I just had the best date ever, dad". My dad was beyond shocked. "Who was it with?" dad asks suspiciously. "Denki Kaminari". A loud blond i hear my dad mutter. "He better treat you right" my dad asks looking stern and strict. "He does dad trust me. i'm going to go bed, i'll see you tomorrow dad". i said while yawning. "Alright goodnight son". And with that i went into my room, did my night routine, texted denki goodnight and looked back on all the new memories me and Denki make today.


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