Hiding it

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Bakugou POV-

I was on my phone messaging Denki as i have been since i've woken up. He asked if i wanted to come around his house after lunch. I smiled thinking of spending time with him. As i was about to go down the stairs to ask my parents if i could go i heard papa. "Kat come down lunch is ready!". He shouted, thankfully without his quirk. I got off my bed, left my phone to charge and went downstairs. As soon as i entered the kitchen i was greeted with Jelly rubbing his head on my leg. I smiled and stroked him. "What are we eating papa", i said softly. Papa turned around and gave me a smile. "I had to make sausages,eggs and bacon because we've ran out of food, im going to go to the shops and buy some more. Yes Kat i know it's a breakfast type meal but that's all we have". Papa said rushing around trying to grab things to go out. "Where's dad?", I asked. "He had to go to UA to give Nezu some documents". He said frantically grabbing his keys. "Papa can i go Denki's", I asked pleading. "Yeah sure bud, but make sure you message one of us to pick you up so you're not walking around in the dark alone". I nodded my head "I've got to go now Kat, bye love you". He said opening the door. "Bye love u too", i said with a sigh. After i ate i washed my plate and headed up to my room. As soon as i got in i ran to my phone and messaged Denki saying i could go and told him i'd be there in 30 minutes. I went into the bathroom, took my clothes off and stared at the mirror. I sighed, what does he even see in me. All i see is a disgusting creature who doesn't deserve to live. I looked away and got into the shower. When the warm water hit me i felt relaxed, all my worries drained away. My shower was longer then i intended so i didn't have much time to choose my outfit. I chucked on an orange hoodie with black combat pants that have orange streaks on the side and combat boots. I quickly grabbed my phone and my house keys i got given the first day here and ran out the house. I made it to his house on time not without panting heavily, thinking i was going to die.

Me and Denki both sat on his bed for hours talking about random stuff and laughing about embarrassing moments in their lives. They then decided to play on the switch Denki has. They played supermash bros for hours. In between matches Denki's mum would come in and give us snacks. By the time we were finished it was night time. I looked at my phone and saw the time was 11:30, my eyes widened. I looked at Denki sadly"I've gotta go,my parents will be worrying". As i opened the door i turned to denki and gave him a kiss and smiled "Bye Denks, i had a lot of fun". He smiled brightly, "I had fun to Kat,we should do this again". I nodded my head and walked out his room. As i was putting my shoes on Denki's mum came towards me "Are you heading off now dear?". She said in the most sweetest voice i've ever heard. "Yes i am, thankyou so much for allowing me to come". She shook her head "No dear it's alright, you're Denki's boyfriend and a good man". She said sweetly with a smile.

I left the house and decided to not call my parents to pick me up. I wanted to have a nice walk home. I love walking home in the dark, it's so peaceful and quiet. The world doesn't expect anything from you when it's dark. I was thinking about all the fun and moments i had with Denki, im so lucky to have him. My phone buzzed and i took it out my pocket and saw it was Denki. He messaged me saying he was missing me. I laughed, then replied. It's only been 10 minutes i sent. I was about to ring him until two guys in black started walking behind me with a bat. My anxiety immediately spiked up, i calmed myself down thinking they must just go the same way as me. That theory was immediately stopped when i got punched on the back with a heavy force, causing me to fall down and hit a wall. The guys dragged me inot an alleyway and started to beat me up. I had flashbacks of her doing the same thing. After what felt like forever but realistically it was 15 minutes, they finally left. I picked up my phone and saw it cracked but still worked. I got up and held my side. They definitely broke a few ribs. I tried walking but my ankle was also hurting. They probably did something to that as well. Dickheads. As i got to my front door i put my hood over my head, trying to cover as much as my bleeding face as possible. I unlocked the door and walked in with my head down. "Kat why didn't you call us,we could've picked you up". My dad said with worry in his voice. "I-i wanted a nice walk home", i said hissing due to my side. My dad came up to me "Are you alright Kat?", he asked with concern in his voice. "Yeah i'm fine, i'm going to head up to bed. Goodnight". I said a little to quickly and trying not to limp. My dad tried to stop me but i moved out his way and rushed to my room. As soon as i got in i took my shirt off and limped into the bathroom to see how much damage they did. I winced as my shirt came off. Half my stomach was purple and blue. Yep it's broken. I sighed as i got my pjs on, it hurt alot. I carefully got onto my bed and layed down with a lot of discomfort. It took me a while to get to sleep. But i did in the end.


Bakugou POV-

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring in my ear. I turned it off and layed in bed for another half an hour before i hear my door open. "Bud it's to get up, or you'll be late for school", Papa said cheerfully looking at me. I just looked at him miserably. I didn't want to go to school, not in this much pain but they can't know what happened. I sighed "I'm getting up now", i said tiredly. He left the room and i got up in absolute agony.Jelly jumped off my bed and followed papa. I didn't even know he was on my bed. I was breathing heavily while holding my side. I hobbled over to my bathroom and did my morning routine. When i put on my uniform everything just felt tight. Too tight. I ignored everything happening to my body and went downstairs after i grabbed my hoodie and put it on. It took a long time to get downstairs because of my damn ankle. I got to the kitchen and saw breakfast on the table. I ate half of it before i just grabbed my bag and left for UA. I put my headphones in and blasted my music.

I got to UA 5 minutes after the bell already went, but i couldn't care less right now about anything. It hurt too much to even think. I stumbled into the classroom with my hood up, everyone staring at me. I ignored the stares and went straight to my desk. "Kat hoodie off", my dad said. I sighed and took it off but kept my head down. I didn't talk to anyone until lunch. I just didn't feel like speaking. I ate my lunch on the roof and went to class 5 minutes before the bell rang. I saw my dad grading stuff, he looked up at me. "Hi Kat,how was lunch", he said giving me his full attention. I just waved while slightly limping to my seat. He stood up and walked over to me,"I've noticed you haven't been talking to anyone today, wanna tell me why". I just shrugged my shoulders "Do you not want to talk?". He asked I shook my head and stared at him slightly so he wouldn't see me but i knew what he was doing. He started to sign to me. Yes everyone i know sign language, only because my parents were worried i'd go deaf but clearly that isn't the case. 'Are you okay?' he signed. 'i'm fine' i signed back. 'You sure, because i saw you limping'. My eyes widened, HE SAW THAT? SHIT. I quickly composed myself before signing back. 'i wasn't limping', i then just put my head down feeling exhausted. I fell asleep all lesson. I wa startled awake by the bell ringing. We had Aizawa again but it was training. Everyone had the opportunity to go toilet and then go to the locker room. I wanted to train but i knew i wouldn't be able to, not in this condition. 'Dad can i sit training out' i signed to him while it was just us left in the classroom. "Why", my dad said instead of signing. 'I don't feel well' i signed. He looked at me as if knowing i was lying straight to his face. "Okay you can sit on the benches instead", he said looking at me suspiciously. I internally screamed thank god. I was walking until i limped and fell as the desk knocked into the side of my stomach. I was on the floor in pain until my dad came to help me. "Kat!Kat", my dad said frantically. I was clutching my side so hard right now, my dad took notice of this. "Can i see Kat?". I nodded in pain as i took my hand off and he lifted up my shirt. "Kat, what happened? Who did this to you? Was it Denki, i swear if it was him-", i cut him off by putting my hand up to stop him. "It was 2 random people, with a bat" i said hissing in pain, i looked at my dad and it looked like he'd just pieced everything together. "That's why you're limping", i sighed. My dad carried me to recovery girl so she could do her magic on me. She healed me but said my stomach will be a little bit sore for a few days. My dad looked at me "You should've told me or Zashi Kat". He said sighing. I looked down guilty i made them worry so much over an idiot like me. "I'm sorry, i-i didn't want you to think i was weak or useless for not being able to stick up for myself", tears softly poured out my eyes as i finally let out what ive been thinking. "Kat we will never think you are weak or useless. You are anything but those, you're very special to us. Next time that happens will you let us know?", my dad asked gently. i nodded "I need a verbal answer Kat". I rolled my eyes "Yes old man now can we go home". We both got into the car and headed home. I went into my room and collapsed on my bed while jelly came in and slept on me.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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