New Friend?

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Hey everyone! Terribly sorry i haven't posted in a while, i lost motivation. But here i am and this will hopefully be a long chapter! Hopefully 2 chapters including this one will be out by the time you see this, if my motivation doesn't run out. Anyway enjoy!

- Ace


Bakugou POV-

I woke up and looked out my window seeing it was dark. I got confused and checked my clock on the bedside table. It read 4:03 AM. I swear i slept longer. Great. I sat up and got hit with a wave of nausea. I instantly held my stomach in pain. I sat there for another few minutes hoping it would go away but it was getting worse. I laid down thinking that would make it less painful but i was hit with vomit crawling up my throat. I ran and ran until i found the bathroom. I kicked open the door painfully loud and leapt to the toilet. As i was emptying all my body's contents i heard someone knock on the door. "Kat? Kat are you okay?". I couldn't answer who it was as i was still vomiting. The person opened the door and came in. "Shit", was all i heard as i felt a hand on my back rubbing it comforting me. Thank fuck for whoever this is. I started dry heaving for 2 minutes before i started coughing. "It alright Kat, it will be over". After i coughed i couldn't catch my breathe. It was like someone had sucked out all the oxygen in the room. "i-i...can't b-br-breath". I said to whoever was there. Suddenly, my vision went blurry and i fell into the arms of the person. Slowly, i looked at the person and could vaguely make it out to be my dad. I could see his lips moving but i couldn't hear anything. I then passed out in his arms.

Aizawa POV-

I woke up to a loud bang down the hallway so i grabbed my capture weapon and went to investigate. I slowly and stealthy made my way around the house looking for any signs of a break in. Nothing was out of place or anything wrong so i started making my way to Kat's room to see if he was okay. On my way to his room i heard vomiting from the bathroom and knew it was Kat. I knocked on the door,"Kat? Kat are you okay?". I didn't get a response so i went into the bathroom. As soon as i got in i saw him over the toilet spilling his guts out. I rushed over and rubbed his back in circles to comfort him while saying comforting words. I didn't think he could hear me because he wasn't speaking,not like he could. Kat started having a coughing fit and fell into my arms. "I can't breathe", I barely heard him he was so quiet. "Bud look at me, breathe in and out". Kat looked at me his eyes dazed before he passed out in my arms. I immediately thought the worst and checked his pulse, I let out a sigh of relief before i closed my eyes for a second. I opened my eyes and carefully picked Kat up and put him in his bed. After i put him in bed i walked out the room and went back to mine and Hizashi's room. I walked in and saw Hizashi sat up with the lamp on. "What happened Sho?". I could hear the worry and see the concern on his face before i sat on the bed. "Kat was throwing up. He then passed out in my arms in the bathroom. I've put him back to bed but there's no way he's going school tomorrow". I sighed before getting under the covers again. "Poor Kat", Zashi said before turning off the lamp and laying on my chest. We both sat in silence for a minute before i came up with an idea. "Hey, why don't we adopt that cat we've been talking about? Maybe it will cheer him up?". Hizashi sat up quick and smiled brightly before shouting " THAT'S A BRILLIANT IDEA SHO!", I was quick to shut him up. "Zashi, keep your voice down Kat's in the other room and these walls are thin". I said gently. "Sorry sho... i just got excited". Zashi said sadly "It's okay love, i just want the kid to get as much sleep as possible". He nodded his head "I love you darling", i whispered in his ear before pulling him back into my chest. "I love you too baby", he looked up at me and kissed me. I kissed him back before he pushed his tongue in my mouth and we started to fight for dominance. I obviously won, i smiled and kissed his forehead before we both went to bed.

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