Twin It to Win It

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                        " how's Coyote Weekend?"

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" how's Coyote Weekend?"

Third Pov:

It's been days since the Monsty problem. The same day before the kids head back home for the evening, Bose talked to Soleil and brought up the kiss between them, he decided it'll be best to put that behind them, never spoke of it and just be friends. Soleil was so thrilled of hearing that because she doesn't want to be in a relationship when she's trying to figure out why the world brings her here, so they both agreed to be just friends

Right now all the kids are in the Man's Nest of getting ready to watch a Jacobs comedy franchise movies. Bose the other hand was asking Mika about where his donut is but ended up Mika explaining how her dad lost his saddle, Soleil is sitting on these bags that have dirty laundry but she thought it was bean bags

" I was just looking for my donut" Bose said to the female twin

" oh, it's in your hand" Mika replied and took a sip of her coffee

Bose showed her a hand that doesn't have the donut

" the other one" Mika said and Bose lifted his other hand to see his donut is there

" oh! It's always in the last hand I look at, good luck finding that boat" Bose smile and went over to his friends

Schwoz then entered in the Man's Nest casually of ignoring Ray's complains

" I will wear these for the rest of my life if I have to!" Ray yelled to the scientist

Soleil looked over to the metal doors with a weird look

" sup fams!" Schwoz greeted as he walked over to Chapa, Soleil, Miles and Bose

Bose was sitting the left side of the bean bags, Soleil beside him and Miles to the far right of them. Soleil's hair tied in a neat ponytail with two braids in it, the four of them turned to the scientist

" sup!"

" what's up big dog?"

" what's up with Ray?" Soleil wondered

" um. I'm on the laundry strike so he's in his bedroom wearing a pink sweeatsuit one of his ex girlfriends left behind" Schwoz explained as walking over to Chapa

Soleil's eyes widen of weird it out and Chapa laughed of that

" yeah, I look amazing!" Ray yelled of his voice being cracked a little

" he's gonna pout until I agree to wash his clothes again" Schwoz continues explaining as Chapa walked over to the three who's sitting on the laundry bags and sat next to Soleil

" so that's why all these laundry bags are in here" Miles said as pointing to the bags they're sitting on

" I thought they were just super dope bean bags" Bose said and Soleil shrugged

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