#60 Poliwag

1 0 0

The Tadpole Pokemon

A Water-type

Also known as Nyoromo in Japan

Water Absorb, Damp, and *Swift Swim*

50% Male, 50% Female

43.9% Catch Rate

Water 1 Egg Group

2'00" and 27.3 lbs

Medium Slow Leveling Rate

Crural is the Shape

Blue is the Color

EP025: Primeape Goes Bananas

Poliwag has a very thin skin. It is possible to see the Pokémon's spiral innards right through the skin. Despite its thinness, however, the skin is also very flexible. Even sharp fangs bounce right off it.

100% chance of holding a Berry in RBY

Shuffle Number is #591

Evolves into Poliwhirl at Level 25

Evolves into Poliwrath using a Water Stone

Evolves into Politoed in a Trade holding a King's Rock

Hydro Vortex

Max Geyser

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