The Poison Gas Pokemon
A Poison-type
Also known as Matadogas in Japan
Levitate, Neutralizing Gas, and *Stench*
50% Male, 50% Female
14.8% Catch Rate
Amorphous Egg Group
3'11" and 20.9 lbs
Medium Fast Leveling Rate
Polycephalic is the Shape
Purple is the Color
EP031: Dig Those Diglett
Weezing loves the gases given off by rotted kitchen garbage. This Pokémon will find a dirty, unkempt house and make it its home. At night, when the people in the house are asleep, it will go through the trash.
5% chance of holding the Smoke Ball
Shuffle Number is #461
Evolves from Koffing at Level 38
Has a Galarian form
Acid Downpour
Max Ooze
Pokedex Numbers Ending with 0
AventureThis is in honor of Scarlet and Violet's release! From Kanto to Paldea, the information of all Pokemon who's numbers end with 0 will be reviewed!