Light on The Horizon

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Just as I thought there where Falmer and there little ugly Animal companions honestly only Namira could love something that looks and sounds like that but that shouldn't be important now

So What I suspected was True yes but it was worse there was a whole cave of that Monsters down there
They even captured and killed the other members of the family we sadly where too late this time

I and My Nord friend took revenge for them I even burned the Fathers Corps (or what was left of that) in the Fire of the Tower I am pretty sure I will have nightmares of a whole cave filled with Falmer showing up right underneath My feet just to rise up and pull me out of the Taver to eat me horrifying well maybe I am lucky I just have to run faster then Nazeem then I should be fine

Note to Myself maybe get Stenvar a Mead later when we arrive at the Nightgate Inn he did a Good Job I probably wouldn't be in such a good condition without him at my side
He is ok I thing better then most Nords at least he isn't racist still I am not a "Milk Drinker" whatever that means

Julius Laferia {Arrival In The North}Where stories live. Discover now