The Line of Logical vs Illogical

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Amy was surprisingly in a good mood as she waited for Sonic to come home. She sat on the couch, crocheting, of all things. She was never going to let many people know that she enjoyed "old people" hobbies. But she didn't care if Sonic wanted to make fun of her for it - she knew he appreciated the socks she made for him each year.

Still, he expected to walk back into the house with a seething Amy. He had gotten her text, and decided not to respond back. It was completely out of character for him.

"I thought you might've died."

Sonic jumped a little as he hung up his coat. She sat in the living room of the open floor plan, a few feet away and only lit by one floor lamp behind her. Its yellow light was tricking him into thinking she was happy. Or maybe she was? He couldn't tell.

"H-Heya, Ames."

She squinted for a second. "Are you drunk?"


"Okay. So, where were you really?"

Sonic took off his shoes and meandered to the couch, sitting to her right as she claimed the only armchair as usual. "Why aren't you in the guest house?"

"Answer my question first." Amy met his gaze. "I didn't tell Manic you ruined his car."

"I didn't ruin his car," Sonic rolled his eyes as he unbuttoned his shirt. Thankfully, he was wearing a white tank top below it. "It'll be fine tomorrow. Although you're gonna have to leave early with me tomorrow."

She glared ever so slightly, to which he responded with a shit-eating grin.

"Oopsy?" He gave a nonchalant shrug. "So, did Shadow take you home?"

"How is it that you're always five steps ahead of me?" Amy raised an eyebrow. "And you didn't answer my question to begin with. I know you were lying about visiting your mom. I texted her what she was up to just for fun and she's out with your father on a yacht. In the ocean."

"Yeah," Sonic wiped under his nose as he looked away. "I was, uh, out with Sarah."

"Really?" Amy perked up, interested. "What'd you two do?"

"It was sort of an accident. I didn't plan on anything, I swear. I figured you and Shadow needed some excuse to talk to one another, and Blaze said she had to leave to grab her things, so I thought it was a perfect opportunity to help my friend, Amy, out."

"And help out you did. I got a date."

"Really?" he grinned back at her. No wonder she was in a good mood. "Good for you, Ames. I'm proud of ya."

"Granted, he was a little awkward at first, but that's to be expected," Amy responded. "So, you didn't plan to go out with Sarah? She seemed in a rush to leave."

"She was frustrated with Shadow," Sonic waved her off as he looked at the TV's black screen. He saw his own reflection and Amy's. He figured Manic was asleep, thankfully. Tikal knows where his sister was - whether it be in the house or with her new boy toy. "I stopped to get gas at the gas station, and she pulled up next to me and asked me out. Then she got back in her car and was about to leave - pretty clear she was upset about something but whatever it was had given her some extra umph of courage, I guess," Sonic shrugged. He wasn't entirely sure, and Sarah couldn't explain it during dinner. "So, I stopped her before she left, and we went to Westwood together."

"Where'd you go?"


"Typical," she snorted and rolled her eyes. "You jocks."

"What? It's a fun bar and restaurant. We played pool, drank some beer. Honestly, it was more fun than I expected. I didn't think she got out much. Did you know she's in a bowling league?"

Encounters: Beastly (Sonic the Hedgehog AU)Where stories live. Discover now