Lee vs Bakugo

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Lee's pov

I saw Kaibara fight Bakugo, Kaibara put on a valiant effort, but he can't deflect Bakugo's heavier blasts. That fight was just unwinnable for him, eventually he made a mistake and Bakugo capitalized and knocked him unconscious.

Now I'm out to face the Man of rage. I've decided to start this fight without weights, as fatigue and exhaustion has started to set in and I've took a lot of built of damage while Bakugo hasn't suffered nearly as much.

 I know that Kaibara probably feels disapointed, but he performed excellently, he beat two people from Class 1-A and put on an admirable display against possibly the most dominant student of the first-years.

Me and Bakugo step out of our dugouts, the pop I got is much bigger than last time, probably due to the crowd witnessing the magnitude of my weights. They are still screaming for Bakugo louder, seems like he is the fan-favorite huh? We lock eyes, his eyes are glaring at me harder than he had Monoma.

"What is a quirkless wannabe like you doing in my way!?" He shouted. "Just letting you know, YOU DON'T STAND A CHANCE!" 

What's with this guy's hostility? It doesn't matter, it will just be another weakness I can exploit.

We take out places in the ring. I got into my signature pose and smiled confidently. 

He just stood there, glaring at me as if I cancelled his Amazon preorder.

"Start!" Mic shouted.

Immediately, Bakugo dashed towards me. Without my weights, he might've gotten me with that move, but I can keep up now. I dodge, he changes his trajectory with another explosion and I go for a kick while he's heading my way but he uses another explosion to go over me.

He got behind me and almost landed an explosion again but I ducked under the way. His explosions will deal extra damage thanks to the burns I got from Todoroki.

"Leaf Hurricane!" I yelled as a reemerge from my ducked position, but it took too much time as he just exploded the area that I was going to kick, but I spin around and landed a kick to his face, though it wasn't accurate and only seemed to scratch his face and piss him off.

"Die!" He yelled as he fired off a massive explosion which caught my right arm.

"Learn the difference between you and I, you quirkless wannabe!" Bakugo yelled as he grabbed my right arm.

"You're a loser!" He yelled as he slammed me into the ground causing me to cough up some spit.

He then got us to a grounded position, he proceeds to repeatedly punch me in the face.

I manage to turn the table around and punch him twice before he uses his quirk to escape and caught my left arm, which has already been burned by Todoroki.

We both got back up, this isn't looking good for me, I already took a nice amount of damage from him. 

He rushes at me again, I attempt to punch him, he attempts to block but instead, I grab his arm and slam him into the ground. 

He quickly recovers, seemingly by adrenaline rush and goes for another punch that I catch. I swing it back to his face and as he is stunned I nail him with a Leaf Hurricane. 

That did huge damage but infuriates him even more. "You think that's enough to stop me, huh!?" he yelled as he walks towards me.

I go for another Leaf Hurricane but he catches it, and with his quirk, explodes my leg. I grunt in pain but he isn't finished. He grabbed my head and headbutted it over and over until I collapsed.

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