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All my life I've been weak.

All my life I was always the last to finish in runs, I always needed help carrying my own stuff around, I always was picked last during sports, and no matter how hard I tried, I could never compare to the strength of those around me. But, for a while, none of that mattered.

It didn't matter that I was weak because I was smart.

It didn't matter that I was weak because I was pretty.

It didn't matter that I was weak because I was popular and kind

It didn't matter that I was weak because I was loved by everyone around me.

I was told that I was perfect, an angel child exceeding all the expectations my parents could dream of. Perfect grades, perfect looks, and a perfect friend. People were always looking out for me. After all, do you really need to be able to take in the groceries alone if someone else would just do it for you?

It didn't matter that I was weak because I was perfect.

But this is a world with devils.In this life, the only way to survive is to have the strength to fight.

But did being perfect help me save anything I loved? No.

Did having flawless grades help save my Dad? My sister?

Did all those love letters I received help save my only true friends?

Did being the school idol who always had plans help save my home and life?

DId being loved by everyone around me help me save the one person I truly cared about?

No. Because at the end of the day being perfect doesn't stop you from being a weak coward too afraid to do anything but watch on the sidelines. Because when you're weak you can do nothing but watch the strong people you envy so much die in front of you. Despite being "perfect" I'm the most useless person I've met.

I can't do anything to save the people and things in my life.

It's only because of my own incompetency that I have nothing to cling to but the shell of the man I fell in love with.

NO OTHER HEART | aki hayakawaWhere stories live. Discover now