[Memories: "Party Girl"]

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[A/N]: In this chapter y/n is 16 and a sophmore in highschool. Aki is 17 and working for public safety. They won't be this age for the majority of the story but chapters with "memories" in the title will be flashbacks.

"Party Girl" by Lana Del Rey

"I won't fall in love, I won't ever stop"

Parties were not Aki's thing. Not y/n's thing either, or at least that's what he had thought until y/n had begged him to come to one of her classmates' parties that evening. And so far the night had only further proved that parties were not his thing.That fact becoming more and more apparent as he stood in the corner of a strangers living room trying to mentally block out the loud pop music blaring form the speakers and the strong scent of alcohol. Nevertheless, he stood patiently holding y/n's cup while she danced with the other party-goers. Aki glanced around the room observing the various clusters of drunk teenagers; a couple of girls posing and taking photos, some guys taking shots, and an overwhelming amount of couples that were all over each other.

Aki glanced in slight disgust as he watched a couple aggressively make out on the sofa as the boy's hands came dangerously close to unclipping this band of the girls dress. And by then Aki had decided he didn't wanna see more of an overly public (and drunk for that matter) display of..affection..and had walked right out of that room. Aki had never been one for love, it wasn't that he was incapable of feeling it, and perhaps he would even pursue a girl if his job was somewhere in the ballpark of being close to normal. All dreams of being with a girl, getting married, settling down, maybe even having kids were blown away the instant he signed up to be a devil hunter. He didn't think about that stuff much anymore though, it was better to pretend that any butterflies he felt in his stomach were simply a trick of the mind.

Aki had finally managed to push his way into the patio where the music was blaring the loudest and people were dancing. He immediately saw y/n who was the center of a loosely formed dance circle. And my god is she twerking? Aki stood in slight disbelief. Y/n was a good girl, she followed the rules, got straight A's, and had a bright future–something Aki couldn't say about himself–. He quickly backed away from the circle.

Upon seeing her friend, y/n jumped out of the dance circle and stumble-walked towards Aki grabbing her cup that Aki had been patiently holding all night out of his hand taking a long drink of it before speaking.

"Hey Aki," she said, her words slurring together into a messy string of vowels,"did you see me dance out there?"

"Oh my god, you're completely drunk," Aki said, yanking the cup out of y/n's hand as she tried to take another sip.

"Noooo," she groaned, making a pathetic attempt to reach for the red cup Aki had held up, "your so meannn. I'm super sober! The mostest sober!" she said ending the sentence with a giggle.

Aki sighed, he had promised y/n he wouldn't let her get too drunk, a task at which he apparently failed miserably. Y/n tried to go for the red cup again, incidentally pressing her body against Aki as she reached her arm up to grab the cup, which he held above his head with a raised arm. The gesture made Aki's face flush a color closely resembling y/n's, but he supposed her face was bright red for a different reason. The small moment felt electric to Aki, the way y/n's smaller body pressed up against his, her breasts pushed against his chest, the way her short black dress perfectly framed her figure, and the way the silky fabric hiked up at y/n's upper thighs exposing smooth skin. The euphoric moment only lasted for a second though, as y/n was pulled away by a guy Aki had never seen. Making him shove any less-than-holy thoughts into the deepest corners of his mind.

"Hey y/n," the guy said, casually wrapping his arm around her. Aki was already pissed, he hated the way the guy had so casually touched y/n, he even had the nerve to run his hand up her ass. But most of all he hated how easily y/n melted into the strangers touch, but he couldn't place a finger on why. Usually his overbearing nature wasn't this intense.

"Hi Matteoooo," y/n said, leaning her head against the guy's shoulder.

"This fellow causin' you trouble pretty?" the alleged Matteo said, suddenly standing up straighter pulling y/n to his side and holding onto her like she was glass ornament that would break if Aki got near her.

"He's my frieendd, Aki Hayakawa, I think he's just feeling a lil grumpyyy," with y/n words Matteo stepped down and pulled y/n closer to him pressing his lips against her face to give her a half-assed sloppy kiss. Aki clenched his fists, feeling his nails draw blood from his calloused hands.

"Well, nice meeting you Hayakawa. I think me and y/n are going to have a little private time," he said smirking as he ran his hands on y/n's body.

"P-private time?? Whats that?" y/n said, her drunk smile still plastered on her face. Her question fully genuine. Aki couldn't take it anymore, he hated the way Matteo touched her: clumsily, without care, taking advantage of her vulnerable state.

"You realize she's drunk, right asshole?! There's no way in hell she's in any shape to consent to anything," Aki blurted out.

"Calm down buddy, it's better that way, she probably won't even remember what happened tomorrow. If you play nice I might even let you watch, since you clearly are so desperate to fuck h-"

Before Matteo could finish his sentence Aki punched him straight in the face. Despite his best attempt to fight back after getting punched, the fight wasn't even close. Aki leaving unscathed while carrying a confused and drunk y/n away in his arms (bridal style if you really wanna know).

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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