2:5 Screw Endgame

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Screw Endgame
Part 2

Screw EndgamePart 2————

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You didn't know Hope did that. "My dad is lonely. Raf's a mess again, and apparently I'm hallucinating boyfriends." You had a slight questioning face on as Lizzie said that. "If my broken mind can remember you, then maybe that spell Josie did could bring everyone's memories back." Lizzie explained. "Yes, you and Hope are made for each other, but the love you have for your siblings will be just as powerful, trust me, I know." Lizzie stated, causing you to smile.

"Also we need to stop Josie and Landon from doing the the deed, fast." Lizzie now finished.

She then started walking off in a direction, you following and your smile disappearing as your face went to one of confusion again. "You hallucinated a boyfriend?" You questioned.

Lizzie looked over at you with a 'are you serious' face before hitting her leg into a trip wire, two darts flying into your necks. "Tell you in a second." Lizzie said before you both passed out and fell to the ground.


Hope walked into the room where Kaleb, MG and Ric are. Every single one looked at her. "Sorry. I don't mean to interrupt." She said as she started leaving.

"Hope, wait." Alaric called out and she stopped, turning around and walking back to be closer. "What do you think about resurrecting a vampire thats been desiccated for god knows how long and then just deciding to wake him up?" Alaric questioned the younger girl.

Hope gave a confused looked before finding her answer. "That's probably not a safe idea." She responded to the older man.

Kaleb and MG looked away from hope while Alaric smiled slightly. "Thank you, Hope." Alaric replied.

Hope was extremely confused but ignored it none the less. "You're welcome?" She questioned before leaving, now going to search for you.


"I know you don't want to think about this, but the real world isn't resetting like this stupid one is, which means we are rapidly approaching Josie's unexpected journey there and back again." Lizzie stated in the most weirdest way possible. Lizzie looked over at you before down. "Bear trap." She said, the both of you jumping over it.

You rolled your eyes. "Once again, I don't care about his sex life." You responded, before looking over at Lizzie. "And I'm not gonna tell him or the school about me." You continued.

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