A "Miner" Ghost Problem | Ch. 3

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-Shaggy's POV-

I woke up with Fred's arms around me, and my head on his chest. He's always been a cuddler. I remember our first sleepover, we were in kindergarten and it was his 6th birthday. Still one of my favourite memories. I wish I didn't feel this way, I wish I just like felt how Fred felt, like only seeing him as a best friend, like the way he sees me. "Morning, Shaggy" He smiled. "M-morning, Freddy.." Oh great, he woke up to me watching him, he probably knows now. "Sorry, I'm cuddling again.." He let's go. He thinks it's because he's holding me like i'd hold the last piece of pie, in a death grip fighting anyone who dare take it. I'm so glad he's the most oblivious person in the world. I just sit up and grab my clothes and head to the bathroom.

When I return Fred is texting someone. "New mystery" I ask, secretly just wanting to know who he's texting. "Nope, Daphne rattling on about how her and Velma are finally together" he grins. "You know too?" I sit down next to him. "Yeah, I knew Velma would tell you... I mean... Never mind..." he trailed off, trying to end the sentence as quick as possible. "What do you mean?" I question, confused as ever. "Uh, nothing. It's just you're best friends so I knew.. you know.. she'd tell you.." he smiled nervously. "She did.." his nervousness just made me more nervous. "Well uh.. good..." he gets up to grab his clothes. "Is that why you made up some excuse for them yesterday?" I asked, curious. "Uhh.. yeah.. sure!" he sounded more like he was trying to get himself to believe that... weird. He headed to the bathroom to get dressed.

"Breakfastttt!!" Fred's mom came in. "Fred's in the bathroom getting dressed" I got up. "Okay, dear! You come eat." She smiles. I got to the table quickly like my life depended on it. I'm pretty quick with food. "Don't eat everything" I could hear the smirk in Fred's voice before he even stepped into the kitchen so I could see his face, seeing the look on his face I knew was already there. "Shut up" I playfully rolled my eyes. "He just laughed and sat next to me. Pancakes, sausage, and eggs, My favourite breakfast. I ate faster than everyone of course. "Ugh! I love how much you love food, it makes me feel like a professional chef!" Mrs. Jones says that every time I eat her food, and Fred and Mr. Jones laugh every time. "So, what do you want to do today?" Fred looks in my direction. "I don't know, whatever you want." I glance at him. "More Mario Kart?" He grins. "I'm surprised you want to play still, since you're always in second place." I smirk. He just blushes while Mrs. and Mr. Jones laugh.

After Fred finishes breakfast, we head over to the living room and he sets up Mario Kart on his switch. I'm always Yoshi of course. Fred is always Mario. We played for hours, it might sound boring to some people. But honestly, I could do nothing with Fred, and still have the time of my life. *ding* Fred's phone buzzes. "We have another mystery" Fred is always excited about mysteries, it's kinda cute. "Like, what is it this time, Freddy?" I question. "Apparently an old "ghost miner" has been attacking anyone who goes near the old mines." I could tell Fred knew it was probably a person in a mask, he had lost hope it would be anything but a money hungry criminal years ago. We head out to the mystery machine, Fred drives to Velma's place to pick up Velma and Daphne, then My house to pick up Scooby. "I wondered where you were, I knew it" Scooby smirked and then laughed. Does Scooby know? If he does, I'm surprised he hasn't let it slip. Luckily the mines aren't to far out of town.

There were 2 mine entrances so of course Fred throws out is "Let's split up gang, and look for clues" like always. "Velma and Scooby, come with me" Daphne grabbed Velma's hand. Oh great, I get to embarrass myself in front of Fred, Instead of just cowering in fear with Scooby. "Let's go Shag" Fred smiled. I followed behind him, terrified. We walk into the mine and turn on our flashlights. Walking for several minutes that feel like several hours, we finally find something, a tractor, pretty big clue. "Not surprised" Fred looks at me, knowingly. *crash* I take a few too many steps back in fear, falling grabbing on to the edge of the cliff. "Shaggy!!! Be careful!!!" Fred pulls me back up. I was still pretty shaken up, so he pulled me into a hug. "You're okay, Shag." His words were always comforting, every single mystery. He probably thinks I'm such a wimp. He's always been so put together, and I've always so easily fell apart. He rubbed my back reassuringly with one hand and had the other hand on my face. He's always done this to calm me down, since kindergarten.

"Thanks" I smiled, he smiles back putting both his hands on my face. Are we having a moment? Is Fred Jones looking at my lips? Are we about to- "Aaaauuurrrggg" The miner jumps down next to us. "Run!!" Fred grabs my hand and we run, deeper into the mines. *crash* "Why does this always happen?" Velma sighs, the rest of us laugh, we always end up running into each other. "Like, me and Freddy saw the miner." I quivered. Fred placed a hand on my shoulder. "We also found a tractor." Fred gave them the same knowing look he had given me earlier. Velma and Daphne looked disappointed, but not surprised. "Well, let's trap him." Daphne looked at Fred waiting for a plan. "I know just how to do it" Fred smirked.

Fred had set up an elaborate plan of course. "Are you sure you're OK with being bait?" he had asked me this every time. "Like, yeah, I guess." I half grinned trying to look like I'm not completely terrified. "..Okay.." Fred hid. "La la la, let's find some gold, Scooby" we had skipped around, waiting for the fish to grab us, the bait. I seriously don't know how they fall for it every time, if they're dumb enough to fall for our traps, I don't know how they thought that ever get away with their crimes in the first place. "Aaaarrrr" It worked yet again. We ran towards the traps avoiding them, the miner wasn't as lucky. "Ha! Gotcha!" Fred yanked off the mask. "Just the old man who lives down the street" Daphne said bored. "Too easy" Velma rolled her eyes annoyed that yet again, it's a random nobody idiot who thinks their dumb plans will work.

The police dealt with the criminal and thanked us yet again, for doing their job for them. Fred dropped us all off at our houses and headed home. "So Raggy, how was Fred's?" Scooby smirked. "How long have you known?" I sighed. "Since the first day of kindergarten. You never share food, unless it's with Fred, you barely even share with me. So are you two together yet?" Scooby smirked. "No, he probably doesn't even see me that way anyways Scoob." I said, disappointed, Scooby laughed. "Are you kidding, Raggy? You don't remember the 'unless we're dating then it's Freddy' thing? You're the only one who calls him Freddy. He probably forgot to ask you out before giving you his nickname." Scooby laughed once again. "He didn't mean it like that." I said, thinking Scooby was definitely delusional. "Then how did he mean it, Raggy?" Scooby looked at me wide eyed. "Uh- um- how am I supposed to know?" I shrugged. "You two are helpless!" Scooby rolled his eyes and got into bed to go to sleep. I didn't sleep much, I couldn't help but think about the past 48 hours.

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