The Haunting Of Elias Kingston | Ch. 6

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-Fred's POV-

I wake up, Shaggy's looking at me. "Uh, goodmorning" I grin. "Fred, uh, like, what did you wanna talk about yesterday?" He questions. "Uh, well.. I kinda um like..." I look away. "Like, Freddy, you're starting to talk like me." He laughs. He could tell I was nervous, and was trying to make me feel better, like always. I smile, appreciating the gesture. "There's something you don't know about me.." He half smirks "Like that's possible, I basically know you more than I know myself." I let out a deep breath. "I'm gay." I look at his face, trying to figure out what reaction he is having. He just softly smiles, "Like, if you thought that would change our friendship or how I feel about you, you're wrong. There is nothing you could say to me that would make me wanna stop being your friend, Freddy." He hugs me, and I let out a sigh of relief. I may have not told him everything, but I'm halfway there.

He pulls away from the hug slowly lingering, then looking me in the eye. "Like, uh, while we're being honest.." Shaggy was cut of by a knock on the door. "Hey guys, you awake? We found out more about the previous resident, Elias Kingston." Of course Velma found clues. I only wish she could've let Shaggy finish what he was saying first, I'll have to ask him later. "What did you find out?" Velma walks over and sits on the couch and Daphne follows her and sits next to her while Scooby jumps up and lays at the foot of the bed. "Elias lived here most of his life, it was his home since 1976, when he moved in with his wife Nancy Kingston, and his two children Jamie and Max Kingston. They lived here for several years until his wife left him and took the children. And for the rest of his life he lived here alone, until his death last year. His house was left to his son Max, and Max sold it to Daphne's grandmother." Velma read off her notes she had took earlier. "So why is he haunting this place?" Daphne asks. "That's what we're going to find out." I answer. Scooby after that entire story is cowering in Shaggy's arms, the both of them shaking.

The five of us head downstairs for breakfast. Shaggy and Scooby looking around cautiously. I put my hand on Shaggy's shoulder, "You know I'll never let anything happen to you, right? I promise." I softly smile. "Like, thanks Freddy." He moved closer to my side and held onto my arm.  We all seat ourselves at the dinning room table, and Shaggy and Scooby eat enough breakfast for everyone, luckily there was still enough for everyone because Daphne warned her grandma of their ginormous appetites. Once we all finished our breakfast we start our search for more clues, starting with the basement.

"Let's split up gang, Daphne, Velma and Scooby, head to the left. Shaggy, you can come with me to the right." Everyone looked confused but I don't care. I want to go with Shaggy, I don't even care how obvious it is at this point. The girls just called Scooby over and went left, leaving me and Shaggy alone. "You're like, going clue hunting with me 2 mysteries in a row?" Shaggy said confused. "Is that a problem?" I ask. "No, it's just like, surprising, that's all." He shrugs. "Well, I did promise I'd let nothing happen to you." I just gently grab his arm. "Come on let's go." I softly smile. We search the basement, we found a map, and some old tools. "Weird" we both say in unison. "GET OUT!!!" Shaggy shivers into my side, "Like, let's take his advice!" I grab his arm, "let's go, Shag." We both run but I'm basically being dragged by Shaggy because he's inhumanly fast.

*Crash!!* "Fred! Shaggy!" Well atleast we 'found' Velma, Daphne, and Scooby. "L-like- we was the ghoul!!" Shaggy stuttered. "Are you sure?" Velma asked sceptical. "Like, no I'm sure it was my imagination, it's not like I see them everyday or anything!" I couldn't help but laugh at Shaggy, while just Velma rolled her eyes, surprisingly unable to find a good comeback. "Shaggy's right, we saw the ghoul." I confirmed his story. "Like you'd ever disagree with him." Velma crossed her arms smugly. Damn it Velma, why did you have to say that. "I- uh, I do not, always agree with him." I sneered with my hands on my hips. Shaggy looked quite confused, thank goodness. Velma, Daphne, and even Scooby all laughed. So, clearly they all know, hopefully none of them tell Shaggy... specifically Scooby. I tried to break the tension, "ahem, let's go trap the ghoul so we can go home." Luckily for me, it worked.

Luckily I'm a master of traps, so coming up with a plan for a trap will be easy. Everyone helped me grab the supplies I needed and we set it up as quick as possible. It went pretty smooth for once, and Shaggy actually agreed quickly to being bait, to Scooby's disappointment. While shaggy and Scooby tried to get the girls attention, the rest of us got into our places. My plan was brilliant, and it was working very well. Shaggy and Scooby came running from the ghoul, and he followed, falling right into my trap. "Gotcha!" I smirked, nobody can beat the trap master. "Like, I'm never doing that again!" Shaggy shivers behind me, I put my hand on his shoulder for comfort. "I'll treat you, milkshakes sound good?" I grinned. "Like, milkshakes are always good! Thanks Freddy." Velma had ignored the conversation between us both and unmasked the guy. it turned out to be — Kingston who was jealous because — name wasn't in the will and they didn't get the house and blah, blah, blah, to be honest I didn't really care. All I cared about was getting those milkshakes with Shaggy, and well Scooby cause I owe him too, and of course Daphne and Velma will tag along.

We all got into the Mystery Machine, and headed to the nearby malt shop. We sit in a booth like always, Velma and Daphne on one side, and me and Shaggy on the other, Scooby is sitting on the floor next to Shaggy. "Like, I'll have chocolate!" Shaggy grinned. Scooby had a dog one, Velma and Daphne shared a strawberry one, and I got a Vanilla one. Moments like these were some of my favourites, the gang just chilling in a malt shop, Shaggy telling Scooby not to drink his milkshake and reminding him chocolate isn't good for dogs, Velma and Daphne in their own world, Shaggy too busy with his milkshake to notice my eyes watching him. He rarely notices when he has food in front of him, it's the only time I allow myself to stare because he likely won't notice it. After about 20 minutes we finally headed home. Everyone was ready to go to sleep, after such a long day.

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