A Seamingly Unsolveble Mystery | Ch. 5

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-Fred's POV-


"Nice to meet you! I'm Fred, but you can call me Freddy." I smiled at the auburn haired boy on the swing next to me. "Hi Freddy, I'm Norville but i prefer Shaggy and this is my pup named Scooby Doo. He talks." He smiled back. "That's cool, I've never met a talking dog before" I was actually pretty amazed. "Yeah, like I guess I'm used to it though." He laughed and held out his container filled with cookies. "Do you want a cookie?" Scooby gasped and I grabbed one, "Thanks, Shag." I took a single bite of the cookie and he'd already eaten 2 more, Shaggy is a pretty fast eater. Scooby had a box labeled 'Scooby Snacks' that he was eating, must be some sort of dog treat. My first day of kindergarten was going better than I'd hoped, I already had made 2 friends and I think we'll be friends for a very long time.

"Hi guys. Can we join you?" A redheaded girl in a purple dress and a very tiny girl in an orange turtleneck came over to the swing set. "Sure, we don't mind" The redheaded girl sat in the swing next to me, and introduced herself to us "I'm Daphne, this is my friend Velma, we've been friends for a couple years now, our families are pretty close." Velma sat in the swing next to Daphne's. "I'm Fred, and this is Shaggy and Scooby." Scooby gave a little wave with his paw "Awww, he's so cute! I love dogs!" Scooby walked over to her and she patted him on the head and he licked her face, she just laughed while Velma looked kinda disgusted that she'd let Scooby slobber all over her. Shaggy watched laughing, something about him made my chest and stomach feel weird like fluttering butterflies. I've never felt like this before, I guess it must be the excitement of the making new friends.


F: "Hey, Shag?"
S: "Like, yeah, Freddy?"
F: "Do you wanna get milkshakes at the café downtown?"
S: "Always! You know me and food!"
F: "Of course. How could I ever forget?"
S: "I guess I'll like see you there :)"
F: "Yeah, see you there! :)"

I grabbed my keys and drove to the café, here I go. Shaggy wasn't here yet, he is usually late so I'm not surprised. I sat down at a booth, I ordered a Strawberry milkshake and fries. Shaggy was about 10 minutes late, pretty normal for him. "Like, so sorry I'm late, Freddy." Shaggy sat across from Fred, a waiter quickly came to the table and took Shaggy's order, A chocolate milkshake, a burger, and fries, which is actually a pretty small order for Shaggy. After a few minutes of awkward silence and chewing, I finally worked up the courage to speak. "Shaggy?" I look over at him, his face was covered in ketchup. "Like, yeah, Freddy?" Shaggy looked over at me. "You got ketchup all over your face.." I nervously laugh and wipe it off him with a napkin. "Oh" he laughs, and continues eating. "I, uh, kinda asked you here for a reason.." I confess. "What reason?.." Shaggy put down his food and looked up at me. "I, uh, needed to talk to you about something.." I take a sip of my milkshake. "Like, about what?" Shaggy looked a tad confused. "Well, I-" before I could finish I was interrupted, by the rest of the gang.

"We got another mystery- oh we're not interrupting are we? Sorry!!" Velma looked apologetic, because she could tell what was going on, which is pretty out of character for her. "I told you we shouldn't interrupt them, they're busy." Daphne mouthed 'I'm sorry' to me. "It's okay guys, we have a mystery to solve anyways." A mystery might calm my nerves right now anyways. I payed the waiter despite Shaggy's protests that he can pay and that he ate more so he should pay. I didn't mind paying for Shaggy, I liked it because I kinda felt like his boyfriend when I payed for him. Kind of embarrassing and stupid, I know, I would never tell him.

This time, the mystery isn't in Coolsville, it's at Daphne's grandmother's house on the beach. I drive for hours switching with Daphne, Velma, and even Shaggy. Daphne and Velma were decent drivers, Shaggy, not so much. Shaggy is a fast eater, a fast runner, and a very wild and fast driver. But I can't ever tell him no to be honest. I love the mystery machine a lot, but she doesn't even come close to my love for Shaggy. It goes Shaggy, The Mystery Machine, traps, solving mysteries, and of course my friends and family. I hope it doesn't sound shallow putting my friends and family after The Mystery Machine, traps, and solving mysteries because I really do love them too.

We arrive at Daphne's grandmothers house at almost nightfall, looks like we'll be spending the night. "We're here, gang." They all slowly wake up rubbing their eyes. The van is filled with tired yawns and exhaustion. Daphne and Velma were cuddling in the backseat, Scooby was in the very back, and Shaggy in the front with me. "Like, good, because my back hurts from sleeping in the car." Shaggy undoes his seatbelt and opens his door. Velma groans getting out of the van, she's grumpy when she's tired. Daphne follows her inside with their luggage. I grab my luggage, "want me to grab yours" I peak my head out from behind the van. "Like, sorry man, I'm half asleep. I don't even know if I'm alive right now. I have no idea what you're talking about." I laughed. "Your luggage, I'll take it in for you." He looks less dazed and confused. "Oh, thanks Freddy!" He softly smiles walking the wrong way. "Shaggy, wrong way, follow me" I laugh. He slowly follows me looking like he could fall asleep on the sidewalk any minute.

We make our way upstairs to the bedrooms, and I put the luggage down. "Scooby, you can have the couch" Scooby huffs, "fine." I stop Shaggy from running into the wall, "go get ready for bed and go to sleep, Shaggy." He heads to the bathroom, while I turn on the tv, waiting for him to be done. He comes out of the bathroom and climbs into the bed, and I go get ready myself. After I'm finished getting ready, I crawl into bed next to Shaggy who is already fast asleep, and look over at Scooby who is on the couch fast asleep, and I turn off the lamp and fall asleep pretty easily for once. All my thoughts vanish and my dreams come to life.

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