Rodi 1.5

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Rodi was amazed by Human reproduction. Human created human by sticking and stirring their essense together.

Human were not born from eggs or from flower seeds or from mana. It was a concept Rodi was not familiar with.

They waited nine months for the baby to come out. Basically, a human being was being expelled out of another human being.

... that did not sound too safe. Wouldn't that just break the body? Babies were big, right? At least, they were bigger than penis.

Rodi was not confident... just how big were babies?

Now that Rodi thought about it, didn't Claude's human woman copulate with Claude? Then she must have expelled another human from her body, right?

Curious, Rodi turned to Claude who was looking over some papers. The emperor had Rodi in the same room just to make sure Rodi choose the correct attire for the wedding.

"Claude, where is your baby?"

The emperor paused for a second before slowly looking up at Rodi. Was that a nervous look? Rodi was not sure. Why was Claude looking like he was having a bad stomachache?

"... Why?"

After a long paused, Claude finally opened his mouth.

Rodi raised a brow in confusion.

"So I know how big of a baby is being expelled out of the human body."

Rodi heard a choke and several coughs following it. It probably was the redhead guard who was standing guard outside the room. Did something happen? But that was less of his concern. Claude's expression was more concerning. Why was he looking so surprised?

"Well, I am going to see your little gremlin."

Rodi stood up and started to walk away while Claude called him out.

"Ro-Rodi! What about the attire? You have to choose one!"

"I already choose it! It is the one I circled around!"

Rodi answered back as he looked at the redhead child and nudged him to lead the way. The child gave a glance at Claude before receiving a kick from Rodi. Reluctantly, the human started to lead the way all the while Claude looked at the designs. All of them had circles and Claude felt an incoming headache but ignored it to chase after Rodi.


Rodi looked behind and say Claude speeding towards him. Excitement filled Rodi's chest. Were they playing?

A burst of giggles erupted out of Rodi as he started to run and made the red human to do so as well.


The Ruby Palace was quiet after the masacre that happened after the death of a certain concubine. Now, the only master of such palace was a single baby that had been born not too long ago.

Athanasia de Alger Obelia, princess of the Obelia Empire. She was the only heir the current emperor had but she was casted aside by the emperor.

The princess was currently sleeping and Lilian York smiled in content had her princess was sleeping in peace until she heard the whisper of a clamor that was happening outside.

The whisper was becoming louder and closer and Lilian could hear several footsteps, laughter, and a familiar voice.



Suddenly, the doors of the princess's chambers slammed opened which startled the princess. The baby started to cry out and Lilian immediately picked up the baby to calm her down and to protect her.

Lilian saw a boy that did not seemed older than 17 but his feet were not touching the floor and was carrying a fully grown man like a sack of potatoes. Wait, was that Felix Robane?!

The unfamiliar child dropped the knight and approached Lilian, who flinched few steps back but stopped after realizing that the child was not hostile at all.


Rodi curiously looked at the crying gremlin in the maid's arm. He felt like was hypnotized by how closely the baby resembled Claude.

Reaching out, Rodi poked the baby's cheek. It was so soft. Then his eyes and the baby's eyes met.

Rodi felt his heart flutter? Drop? Squeeze? Expand? What was this feeling he was feeling?

But one thing was clear to Rodi. This baby was...


Rodi swiftly took the baby out of the human girl's arms and carried the baby in his own arms. He turned to Claude who had arrived just in time.

"Claude! This is my child now! That means, she is our baby now!"

Why did Claude feel a dejavu?

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