Rodi 0.8

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Rodi loved the emperor's two personalities.

When the emperor saw Rodi, he became whatever young age he was and when Rodi was nowhere to be seen, the emperor was back to who he was but with slight changes.

The emperor treated Claude a little better. Not by a lot. Just... A little.

Claude was given a better room and was allowed to learn swordsmanship. The allowance that was sent to Claude also increased and of course, Rodi's brother, Geminas had sent a person he trusted to take care of Claude's income.

At first, Claude was very uncomfortable with the little attention that the emperor was giving him but Rodi turned his worry into nothing.

"It shouldn't matter if he is giving you any kind of attention. You are still mine after all."

That was true.

Rodi still kissed him good nights and good mornings. He still bulli... Ahem, he still protected Claude from the maids' and empress's schemes.


Claude was currently taking his lessons with Geminas, so Rodi was playing "Tag! You're it!" with the emperor.

Rodi heard that from the maids muttering to themselves about how the emperor seemed to look brighter and smiled a little tiny bit more. His expression had calmed down.

The self-proclaimed fairy did not understand. The emperor, Erik, was full and laughs and smiles.

"Rodi! You used magic again! That's not fair!"

Rodi heard Erik yell out but shrugged it off. He never said that he WOULDN'T use magic either.

When the fairy-demon was sure that Erik was out of hearing distance, Rodi came out his hiding spot and stopped using his magic. Something about how he was using Claude's mana to stay intact... Rodi was not sure what Geminas meant but it probably meant that he shouldn't use too much magic now because it would hurt Claude.

"... Found you."

Rodi gasped when he suddenly felt a harsh grasp on his nape and be pushed down to the ground.

"OW! Didn't your parents teach you that it is not nice to push!"

"My father threw me away."

"Well, maybe it is because you push people!"

Rodi whimpered when the grasp around his neck tightened. He knew who exactly the person who was holding him down was.

It was the hideous thing following Claude's brother.

"You keep getting in my way... but you should be grateful."

Rodi shivered at the killing intent he was feeling from behind. The cold fear that was crawling up his back and making his mind go blank, made Rodi tear up. He didn't like fear. It was a different fear than when he knew he was going to get reprimanded by his father.

"Let me go! You idiot!"

Rodi started to struggle but the horrid thing that was controlling Claude's brother did not faze and grinned.

"I was actually getting a little hungry... Why don't I eat you?"

Rodi started to panic when the monster started to get near and opened his mouth. He struggled harder and without thought, Rodi used mana to push off the monster but he was kept in place. He panicked, even more, when he felt his mana start to flow out against his will. It was disgusting. It was scary. Claude. Claude...


"Haha, you started crying? I guess children are still children even if they are spirits."

"What do you think you are doing to Rodi!"

Suddenly, the grip on Rodi's neck disappeared and a loud thud was heard. Rodi sniffled as he looked up and saw Erik with his expression tainted in anger. The emperor hurriedly helped Rodi up and dusted off his clothes.


Anastasius was back. The monster was cowardly and left his medium to receive the punishment that he didn't deserve.

"Who do you think you are calling father?!"

Rodi pulled on Erik's clothes to stop him but the emperor only pushed Rodi behind him.

"It is not right to hurt and scare people! It's wrong! Apologize!"

"Erik, it's okay."

Erik shook his head.

"This is unacceptable. Remain on standby and receive punishment."

Rodi was picked up by the emperor and was taken. Rodi saw over the emperor's shoulders. Anastasius lost expression and was on verge of crying.

It was the first time Rodi felt guilty for anything.


Just when they were far from Anastasius, Geminas came running and searched for any wounds on Rodi. At that moment, Erik placed Rodi down and his expression became still.

"Your... Your majesty, please forgive my –"

"I believe Rodi is first."

The emperor stopped Geminas from his curtsy and gently pushed Rodi forward.

"Thank you. Thank you."

Geminas knelt down in front of Rodi and searched for any wounds. There were a few scrapes here and there but overall, he was physically okay. Geminas noticed the mana fluctuation and Rodi's unusual silence.

"Come here little flower."

Geminas sighed and opened his arms. Rodi did not hesitate and ran into his older brother's embrace. He felt safe.

The emperor watched the two siblings before nodding and leaving them.

Geminas stood up with Rodi in his arms and bowed to the emperor.

"Thank you, our majesty."

Rodi sniffled once more before nuzzling his face against Gemina's chest.

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