Book 1
rusty spoons...
rusty spoons...
Its was a cool fall day I was at school. It was time for art class. We could draw anything we want today. Most of the time we would have to draw something nature like but, today we had a sub. Her name was Mrs. R. She was a slender woman with black hair tied in a pony tail. She told us all to start drawing and who ever had the best drawing at the end of class would get a treat. I thought I should do a portrait of her, she would be impressed of that. So I went to work I started drawing but...
something wasn't right I didn't know what was happening it was like my hand was controlling its self. My hand finally stop but it didn't look like Mrs.R. The figure was a bald, green slender man with long fingers. It was wearing a grey long sleeved shirt. I was horrified of my own drawing. I didn't now how it happened, I would never think of anything like that. Then I suddenly got I name for it. It ...
just popped up in my head, Salad Fingers.
End of Chapter 1