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WAZZ UP?! (Yeah, it's a new thing now) In going to continue with Popgoestheweasel2002's idea with cuddling and may squeeze in ThornTheCat's idea in this as well so it may be a long chapter! Just to let the rest of you Wazzies know, you guys are NOT left out in giving suggestions! I can still take them for future chapters!!! Like always, STAY AWESOME AND FABULOUS! WazzWolf OUT!

Scott's Point Of View
I sighed. I can't believe I have to stay here! OF COURSE I LOVE VINCENT! It's just, I don't feel like sitting here. Especially on my hurting bottom.... "Yay!~" Vincent squeaked and hugged me. He looked at me with his puppy, cute eyes. Darn, he's so gosh dang cute! I can't stay mad at him forever! I smiled and hugged him back. He let go and checked the stove. I just sat there... Looking at him. This is another reason I didn't want to stay here, it's going to be hard to walk around and just sitting here is boring! He did everything he was supposed to do and finally placed the (insert flavor) cookies in the oven. They Smell good already! I tried to stand up but ended falling back down again on the chair, causing some pain to shoot up my back. "OW!" I yelled. Vincent noticed and gasped. He ran towards me in a hurry and hugged me tight and kissed me on the forehead. "Ohh! My baby's hurt!~" He kissed me all over my face until I swatted him away. "Stoooooopp Vinny!~"  I giggled. He only smiled in return. He than out of nowhere picked me up in his arms bridal style. I squeaked and looked like I didn't approve of this action! Notice how I said 'looked'. He laughed happily and spun me around. I had no choice but to laugh along with him. He stopped and walked to the living room and carefully set me down into the couch. He was about to unwrap his arms from my waist until I pulled him by the collar and ended in our lips crashing against each other. We made out for about fifteen minutes until we heard a 'ding'. Vincent shot up and walked away. Aw! I'm now alone! He later returned with two glasses of milk and the (insert flavor) cookies! He set the things down and sat next to me, instantly pulling me closer to me as he grabbed the remote. " What movie would you like to-" *Ding Dong* *Knock Knock* "Nevermind Sweetie.." Vincent grunted in disappointment. I giggled. He stood up and lazily walked to the door and opened it. "Can i-" "We. All. Cuddle. NOW." Mike said walking into our home with Jeremy and sat on the couch with me. I guess it didn't bother me much, I mean I'd love to have some peaceful alone time with my man. WITHOUT ANY FANGIRLS TRYING TO TAKE HIM AWAY! "You know what? I'm DONE. I'm going to have some ALONE time with Me and Scotty. We don't need you two here!" Oh no. Vincent is in engaged mode now! Mike looked up from Jeremy and stared back with those black eyes. "Bite me" He hissed through his clenched teeth at Vincent. SHIZNATZ IS GOING DOWN! "YOU'RE GETTING IT NOW!" Vincent ran toward Mike with a fist ready to beat him. Mike dodged the attack and grabbed Vincent on his sides and threw him down to the ground. Me and Jeremy of course we're scared at this point. I pulled Vincent off of Mike and Jeremy pulled Mike away. "You two need to stop now!" I yelled. They kept the stare down at each other. "M-Mike! S-stop NOW!" Jeremy screamed. Of course, with Mike and Vincent in this state, they'll listen to no one. Not even their own loves. "Fine. Me and Jeremy are leaving. You can have fun with your play toy!" Mike hissed and roughly grabbed Jeremy by his wrist with Jeremy trembling of course. "HE IS NO PLAY TOY!" Vincent somehow got out of my arms and punched Mike. Mike let go of Jeremy and they began throwing punches at each other. I don't remember much, just when Mike or Vincent threw something and Jeremy shouting, "WATCH OUT SCOTT!" Before something hit my head and I blacked out.

Yeah sorry ThornTheCat.... I sort of changed the idea a little but don't worry! More things will happen and Thanks again, Popgoestheweasel2002 , for the idea! I love all my WAZZIES! Like always, STAY AWESOME AND FABULOUS! WazzWolf OUT!

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