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O.M.L. I . CANT . EVEN .
Ok, bad news. I have been trying VERY HARD to be nice to people and not go bizzerk on people that act bitchy. So I was just talking to my friends MINDING MY OWN S***, and then all of a sudden this one grungy girl comes up to me and says " Why are you wearing that shirt you're not even grunge." I FRIGGIN KNOW I'M NOT!!!!! So then I was like " I know that, I just wear this shirt cuz I like it"
THEN SHE SAYS " Stop wearing that shirt just looking at you is ugly enough." WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!?!? That's why I feel all crabby and mad. OH THE BEST PART!!!! SHE SAID BAI FELICIA!!!!!!😑I really hate her now. She used to be a great friend to me. NOW SHE'S ON MA BISH LIST!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2015 ⏰

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