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Your pov


We then hid behind something then the guards came and Bob grabbed the gun and the guard started to shot

"Look out,Bob!"

"Here,jet!get him!"

"Watch out"

Calvin the kicked the other guy and Bob started to beat the other on with a police stick

Then Calvin chocked the guy making my mouth fly open

"Did you see that,Bob y/n?i did the thing!i did the thing!,bob!y/n!"



"Yeah!yeah!come on follow me!"

"Let's do this!"

I shouted

"No what the fuck am i doing?here!you get the gun we're behind you go"

"All right"

I shock my head holding my laughwe then started to walk we then heard indistinct chatter

"Oh my gosh there's two of them"

"Yeah i'll distract them and you two open the door okay?"


"Let's roll"


He then started to shoot then the guards ran after him then he sent one flying making me gasp then he let the other and the ither tried to run away but bob grabbed him back to him making me and Calvin look away we then ran to the door

And tried to open it with the key card but the door just straight up beeped he then tried the other other side but it still didn't work

"Wrong key card pal turn around"

Me and Calvin turned around

"You needed this one"

I groaned and hit his neck and he grabbed his neck and chocked

"Oh shit!"

Shouted Calvin and Bob came over and looked shocked

"Who did that?"

Calvin pointed at me

"Whoa good job girl!"

He then hugged me

"Okay let's get the key card and let's roll"

I then ripped the key card from the guys neck and opened the door

"Which var are we taking?"

He then threw a grenade

"Not that one"

Calvin wanted to walk over to it but saw the grenade

"Oh my gosh"

Then the car exploded i then got in the car in the back

"Here we go,Jet,y/n/n"

Then they came out and started to shoot

"Bob they are shooting at us!"

"It's okay it's bulletproof"

"Drive drive!"

Shouted me and Calvin Bob then started to whistle like as if we weren't getting shot

Central intelligence Bob Stone x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now