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Sunoo sighed for the 9th times of the day because honestly, he felt like he will die from boredom now. Despite being at the really lively place where a lot of people keep cheering for their University's soccer team.

The pink hair was sitting on the very front row and he ignored all the weird stares he got now. Actually, what caught most of the people attention was a piece of clothing that's currently on the Sunoo's shoulders.

It's just a simple white Jersey but at the same there's not so simple about that Jersey. On the back, there's written in black letters with " Park Jay, 99"

Yeah, everyone was keep wondering who is that pink hair boy? That's wearing their famous captain's Jersey? Some girls were even jealous because they keep thinking it will suit them more.

Sunoo was annoyed to death because he has a hard time ignoring those whispers and curses sometimes. But, at the same he decided to keep wearing this just to mock some of them.

They all can just stare at him and be jealous because it's a fact, Jay would never let any one of them wear his Jersey anyways.

At least, not these kinds of girls. Sunoo was sure they're not Jay's type because being a bully is only cool in Means girls movie. It's already 2022, why the hell there's still bullying exist?

How lame, some people couldn't just stay and mind their own business...

" You're famous, hyung and this Jersey suits you."

Jungwon giggled beside him because he saw how everyone kept looking at the pink hair boy. Sunoo just rolled his eyes,

" I'd rather throw this thing towards them if only that annoying guy didn't force me to wear"

" And Jay hyung would simply bought 100 of those and make you wear --"

" I hate how you might be right. Nevermind "

Jungwon kept laughing at Sunoo's face expression. So many girls were dying to wear Jay's Jersey but here Kim Sunoo. He looks like he was tied up and forced to be here while wearing Jay's Jersey. It's really funny and Jungwon was amused how Sunoo was always different from a lot of people.

" Jungwonie,I think I'm going to die from being bore. Can't I just go back to my own class?"

" I think they'll finish in a few minutes, just wait for a while. You know, Jay hyung would sulk if he didn't see you when he finished his competition"

Sunoo knew what Jungwon just said was true. And the idea of Jay sulking is really not a good one for him. It could lead to him doing a lot of things Jay said to him and the navy blue hair boy wouldn't stop making him do nonsenses untill he satisfied.

Also, Sunoo was sure Jay annoyed him a lot but it's better than him not talking to him completely and acting like a 5years old kid. So, no going back to his own class for now.

" It's boring because in the end, Jay hyung's team always win."

Sunoo said while leaning back on his seat. He could see how Jay's moving like a pro right now and he won't lie Jay looks really good. He wasn't sure how the hell someone who covers in sweat could be that looking good?

Normally, it's supposed to be gross. But, how the hell Jay looks so good?

It's nice to see Jay doing what he was happy tho. Sunoo always see how Jay didn't really interest in most of the school works and even his father's work. But, he is the first heir of their family so eventhough Jay is still young, he has a lot of responsibilities.

Sometimes, he was at his father's work rather than school. Only Sunoo and a few of their friends knew how much Jay was missing out of being a student. Everyone at the same age were enjoying the University life but Jay was busy learning about a lot of things related to works. Sunoo sometimes understand how Jay wanna misbehave because of those.

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