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(I am gonna make this book as some kinds of sunjay one shots collections👏)


" You're early today, Sunoo"

Sunoo smiled when he heard a familiar voice as soon as he arrived at Park's family mansion.There's stood a tall boy with blone hair who's also wearing a very neat University uniform. The tall boy looks really clean and neat unlike someone else Sunoo knew.

" You know why I have to be here early, Sunghoon hyung"

Sunoo couldn't even hide his annoyed tone and he also rolled his eyes while talking. Because, that's how he always was. He didn't bother to hide how he really felt and right now someone has been making him really annoyed.

It's just 7am in the morning but Sunoo was already regret his life decisions just by being here.

" Oh yeah, good luck about that.I will go now, I've to arrive early on the first day. Bye, Sunoo!"

" I wish someone could really think like you too, goddamit!"

Sunoo could hear Sunghoon's laughing sounds when the older boy walking passed beside him. The pink hair boy also said goodbye to Sunghoon and he make his way to upstairs. He also cursed about how someone could live on literally 5th floors and now Sunoo has to climb this damn stairs everydays.

He swear, he's gonna passed out one day at this rate and he's gonna punch that someone if that happened.

After struggling for a while and having to take a break like three times, Sunoo was now on 5th floor of Park's mansion.

Sunoo walk towards to the room, that has a lot of black skulls and guitar stickers on the door. He was used to it now but he must admit those didn't fail to make him think how stupid the room's owner was everytimes he saw.

The pink hair boy didn't even bother to knock but instead he immediately go inside the room.

" Look, who's sleeping like he's dead"

Sunoo said with straight face and he walk towards to the person who's laying on the bed. Also, hugging a pillow while sleeping soundly. He didn't even seem to notice Sunoo was here, in his room.

" Wake up! You've to go to University and today is the first day."

Sunoo literally yelled but the person on the bed just groned tiredly and he covered his face with a pillow. Sunoo glared at the navy blue hair boy in the bed who's not even moving anymore and continue sleeping.

" Jay hyung! wake the fuck up or else I am throwing all your BTS albums out of the window--"

" NO!!"

Sunoo sighed slightly when he saw the older navy blue hair boy was now awake and his plan worked. He ignored the way Jay was now glaring at him and Sunoo just walk towards the closet in the room.

He took out the uniform and also necktile, coat, etc. He throw everythings towards Jay and he heard the older boy yelling " Wtf" because of the clothes being thrown towards him.

Did Sunoo care?

Absolutely, not.

" Those are everythings you'll need and I will wait for you only around 9am. If you're not downstairs by then, I am leaving without you."

Jay scoffed when he heard those words.

" You can't do that.You're my personal assistant."

" Yes, I can"

" Why?"

" Because, it's not my damn fault in the first place? I already told you, I will only wait you till 9am "

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