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"My name is Ereny King, I believe you already know Sir." Smiled the girl.

Trust me cupcake, I didn't even read your name. Your passport size only made my mind run irrational.

'Really Alpha!?' I mentally rolled my eyes. She paused and I raised my brow to hide the internal war which is going on in my head.

Get laid.

Get laid.

Get laid.

Richard's singsong made trips on my head

She gulped nervously but recover quickly and she continue." I am 23 years old, fresh with a bachelor degree in business management. I volunteered and I had a part time job at Stella's dinette as an assistant manager during my studies. I am having very good problem solving skills and people management skills."

"In short Miss King you have zero experience in this field. I am sure that the qualifications for this post state at least two years of working experience. I wonder what you are doing here wasting my time." I told her sternly.

"I am aware Sir, but I was called by Miss Richard for the interview as a reserved candidate." She spoke confidently.

I clenched my fist "Changing the requirements without my consent Miss Richard, I'll deal with you later."

"With your zero experience, why should I hire you?" I spat regain my position, resting my elbow on the table.

"I am a hard worker with a proven track record Sir. I believe I'll be able to learn and adapt quickly how the work has to be done under minimum supervision. With zero experience I can surprise you with great achievement Sir that's why I tried my luck" She explained.

"Is this some kind of joke to you Miss King, trying for luck in my company? I fume with anger.

"I am sorry Sir, can I ask you a question?" She asked.

'You already ask cupcake.' I mentally deappan.

Really Alphard!? Really!?

But she's cute like a cupcake!

Shake it off, Shake it off.

Act professional.

"You already ask." I said neutral.

"You need one assistant, correct?" she asked.

"What are you implying?" I asked blankly.

"In need of one assistant you called more than ten people to select the one whom you think will fit. Each one of us believe he or she has the qualifications which you put and is aware that there are others which hold the same qualifications. Still we tried our luck hoping that among the all candidate there's a little luck for me to get selected even for the little unique qualification I have."

"You are dismissed, this interview is over." I pick up the file looking through the new car models which automotive designer present last week.

I heard a sigh 'Thank you for having me here Sir."

I didn't bother to reply or even look up until she stood and started to leave and closing the door behind her.

She is not tall, slim, she seem to be not mature enough, she does not have great experience, and she's not financially successful and not even financially stable probably. All these are not the criteria am looking for a woman but I wondered what attract me from her.

What's exactly this cupcake awake inside me. Not only she lack experience in this merciless game of business but still she's seven years younger than me.

Don't call her cupcake.

But it fits her perfectly.

Yeah I agree!

"This is insane, now am having internal conversation by myself." I groaned loudly pulling the landline phone dialing a contact.

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With love, 😚

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