ϟ 03 | Do not stray from the goal

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News about you and Draco both entering the Goblet of Fire spread quickly to the wrong person. That person being Severus Snape. A fellow Death Eater himself. You find yourself in the Potions classroom alone with Draco. You both received an obscure letter from your owls during mail time from professor Snape the following day after placing your names into the Goblet.

Draco sighs heavily under his breath as he leans his back against one of the tables with his arms crossed. "What do you think we're here for?" You glance over at Draco briefly as you sit down on one of the seats two tables away from Draco. "Isn't it obvious? He's going to lecture us about being thoughtless to enter ourselves in the Triwizard Tournament." You grumble while propping your elbow on the table and resting your chin in your palm. 

Silence fills the lack of conversation. Draco tilts his head back and stares at the ceiling. "Shouldn't we be allowed to do something for ourselves just this once?" Draco sounds as though he's speaking more to himself than to you. Either way, his words pull at your attention. The tone alone sounded melancholy.

You don't have a moment to question Draco when the doors fly open. You and Draco both straighten your postures when Snape enters the classroom. The thin shoulder-length, greasy black haired man eyes you and Draco with his pensive eyes. You feel chills run down your spine from fear being under Snape's gaze. The man parts his lips to speak in a slow drawled out husky voice. "What is the meaning of this? You fools entered yourselves in the Tournament at a time like this where you should be preparing for the upcoming war?" 

Draco and you look at one another before nervously returning your eyes on Snape. The man is seething with anger from his voice alone despite his expression not being apparent. Snape turns his attention to Draco specifically for the moment. "How am I suppose to protect you Draco when I'm not physically allowed to intervene in the challenges? Do I have to remind you that I made an unbreakable vow with your mother to protect you?"

Draco awkwardly lowers his eyes, his Adams apple gliding against his throat when he swallows the saliva that builds in his mouth. It's clear that Draco's forgotten when his face falls. You stiffen when Snape slowly casts his attention over to you now. "And you miss Y/N. Shouldn't you be focused on Harry Potter? This plan all rides on you to bewitch the boy while we make preparations to attack Hogwarts without anyones awareness." 

Bewitch as in making Harry Potter fall in love with you. You've played as his friend for many years now. The next obvious step is to further the relationship. But having the enemy fall in love with you just feels wrong. You try to convince yourself to not care about the little details but it's hard not to. You may be cruel in some ways but not when it comes to love.

Now you're the one to lower your gaze from Snape. There's dead silence in the Potion's classroom. You can possibly die from this uncomfortableness. "Our only hope now is that the Goblet won't choose either of you. Stick to your goals here." Snape bitterly mutters through seething teeth before he storms back out as quickly as he came. The door slams shut loudly enough to raise the hairs on your arms with goosebumps. 

Draco exhales slowly before uncrossing his arms. "Well. That went better than I expected." The boy casts his eyes over to look at your side profile. Thoughts of making Harry fall in love with you to lower his guard so you're able to lure him to his death clouds your mind. This is your sole mission after all this time. Not once have you questioned this goal. 

But now that you're older and a little bit wiser, you're beginning to question everything. You can tell you're growing soft. You have a hard time deciding whether or not all this effort is worth it. Will you feel like you've done enough to thank the Malfoys for taking care of you once this is all over? Have they only treated you this kindly to use you like this? Or do they genuinely love you like they do with Draco? 

"Y/N!" Draco's voice is loud in your ear followed by a rough jerk to your face. Draco's cupped his right hand around your jaw to turn your attention over to him. He's close like usual. You feel Draco's breath tickle your lips when he speaks lowly. "Listen to me when I call you the first time."

You blankly stare at Draco's light grey eyes. Honestly, you didn't hear Draco calling for you at all. You were too deep in your own thoughts-- spiraling. "What do you want Draco." The words leave your lips without any emotion. Draco's nostrils flare from your absence of reaction. His fingers squeeze tightly against your jaw while Draco's eyes are darting all over your face. 

"I've watched you long enough to know when you're second guessing Y/N. Do not dare turn your back against us now. If you think entering this Tournament is an easy way to kill yourself off from your duties, you better think again. Do not go soft on me Y/N. I will not forgive you. We're in this together." Draco's words are like daggers straight to your heart. 

The boy releases his hold on your jaw to reach for your left arm. Glaring at Draco, you try to pry his hand away but he roughly pulls at your cloak sleeve and blouse sleeve up to brandish the Dark Mark that's permanent on your skin. "Must I remind you of who you are Y/N? Who WE are?" Draco speaks darkly when he reveals his own matching Dark Mark.

"We are in too deep Y/N. We've sold ourselves to the Dark Lord. It's too late for regret. We're only alive to serve him and nothing more." Draco's words are heavy. You feel your stomach drop and your eyes wavering when you keep eye contact with the boy. 

You truly hate when Draco speaks the truth. How many times will Draco be right about everything? As you've gotten older, you only begin to realize how wrong the ways the Malfoy parents have led you and Draco both. Draco must know this too. He has to. How long will the two of you play delusional to everything these adults are doing? 

"It's not fair." Your words tremble out of your lips, barely a whisper. This is the first time you've voiced your honest thoughts to anyone. Your eyes begin to gloss over and there's a brief moment where Draco's expression falters. Dropping your eyes to the Dark Mark's that stains yours and Draco's forearms, you wear a deep frown. The two of you are just kids. Why are you tied up in adult affairs like this?

Draco turns his back to you as he looks elsewhere. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. Don't say something like that again." There's a softer tone when Draco speaks now. You chew your inner cheek and flutter your brimming tears away. You feel embarrassed for suddenly showing this vulnerable side to Draco. He silently rolls down his sleeve and hides his Dark Mark. 

You expect Draco to leave you alone as it's clear the conversation is over. But he surprises you when he turns around to roll down your sleeve to hide your own Dark Mark. Neither of you look at one another when you watch your sleeve hide away the mark. This is probably one of the rare moments where it seems like Draco cares for you. The last moment you can recall was when you were eight. The two of you were learning how to ride on broomsticks. 

You weren't exactly a quick learner at the time and easily fell off your broomstick several times. One time you caught yourself on a branch as your broomstick went flying off into the sky and then landed with a loud thud miles away from the manor. Draco had flown up to untangle you from the branch and safely brought you back onto the ground as you were crying nonstop. Tired of your crying the boy cleaned up your scrapes and messily bandaged them. He then had kissed your bruises like his mother would if she were there. 

Unsure why you're remembering the memory, you push it away. Draco returns his hands to himself and turns his back to you again. "I'm taking my leave first. Exit the classroom a few minutes after me." Draco walks towards the door and you keep your eyes down. You hear his footsteps stop suddenly. "We're in this together Y/N Y/L/N." Draco speaks clearly and loud enough for you to hear from where he stands before he exits the classroom.

You only raise your eyes up when you hear the door shut behind him. You're well aware that there is a lot riding on both of your shoulders. The two of you are burden with the same task. To aid in the death of Harry Potter. But it still doesn't excuse the thought that this path that's been made for you both is terrible.

𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 𝖉𝖚𝖊 𝖚𝖘 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 | Harry Potter x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now