Chapter 8 - Heart break?

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Elle's Point of View

It's finally the weekend and my first week of school is over. It went so well and I made so many new friends. On Thursday I even went to Eton to meet some of Brooklyn's friends.

i lean over to my phone and check my news feed, nothing new just a couple followers. I walk downstairs to the kitchen and sit at the breakfast bar opening the Ok! magazine infront of me. I flip through it and I count how many times Brooklyn and I are featured....7 to be exact.

I get out my phone and text Brooklyn;

Me - Do you want to do something today? xx

I get an instant reply

Brooklyn - would love to but I've got a family luncheon on sorry, maybe tomorrow xx

Me - alright have fun xx

I go back up to my room and decide that today I'm going to stay in bed and relax. Watch a couple movies and maybe catch up on some Teen Wolf. I txt Vi and ask her is she wants to come over and she says yes. Less than 20 minutes later theres a knock on the door. I invite her inside and give her a quick tour. her jaw literally dropped to ground when I showed her my bedroom. We watched The Duff and turns out that Vi loves Teen Wolf too, so we watched al the latest episodes.

It gets late so Vi goes home. I lie in my bed for a bit just staring at the ceiling thinking about the last weeks and how hectic they've been. I pull myself out of the daze and grab my phone. I check out the online gossip, I scroll down and stop dead in my tracks. The article read "Young love, Brooklyn and Chloe" underneath are two photos, One is them skateboarding and the other is of Chloe leaning on him and they are both laughing. I scream, pull my jacket on over my pyjamas and run out of the door.

My anger is boiling up inside of me, he lied to me and went out with another girl. I thought I could trust him and i thought that he really liked me, obviously I was wrong. I sit down on the front porch and cry, my phone vibrates in my hand and I open the new message shaking. It's Brooklyn, the lier, the cheat;

Brooklyn - starbucks? xx

Me - No

Brooklyn - u ok?

I don't reply, I just close it and put my phone back in my pocket. My phone rings and it's Brooklyn.....ignore. 3 calls later and I decide to pick up, "what do you want" I ask sharply. "Are you alright i've tried calling" he says and I can here the worry in his voice "I ..... I....why did you do that, I saw the pictures of you and Chloe. You lied to me" I say sobbing "Elle I can explain" He says, "Save it" I say hanging up.

Brooklyn's Point of View

It's finally the weekend and the first week is over. On Thursday I invited Elle to Eton to meet some of my friends. i lean over to my phone and check my news feed, nothing new just a couple thousand re-tweets. My phone vibrates and I get a message from Elle;

Elle - Do you want to do something today? xx

I Reply instantly

Me - would love to but I've got a family luncheon on sorry, maybe tomorrow xx

Elle - alright have fun xx

I knew she would understand. I walk over to my cupboard and get dressed for the day. When I get downstairs Chloe is standing there with her brother and her parents. Great i think to myself (note the sarcasm) don't get me wrong I like Chloe but I don't want Elle to think I lied to her. I hope she understands, I can call her tonight.

We have a late lunch with the family and then mum and dad say we should get out of the house and go do something. Chloe suggested that we went skateboarding so i went along with her. She tried to flirt with me but I told her that she needed to lay off because I have a girlfriend. Chloe and her family finally leave and i pull out my phone to txt Elle. Oh no, I've got a notification from Ok! magazine and I think i know what its going to be about. I was right, the article read "Young love, Brooklyn and Chloe" underneath are two photos, One is us skateboarding and the other is of Chloe leaning on me and we are laughing. Oh shit! I pick up my phone and txt Elle, I need to talk to her.

Me - starbucks? xx

Elle - No

Me - u ok?

She doesn't reply, I ring her. 3 calls later and she finally picks up, "what do you want" she asks sharply. "Are you alright i've tried calling" I say worry in my voice "I ..... I....why did you do that, I saw the pictures of you and Chloe. You lied to me" she says sobbing "Elle I can explain" I say "Save it" she says hanging up.

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