{ -' Side Story ˊ- }

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[ She hasn't done any shenanigans yet so this is just gonna be called Shenanigans(?) This is just for fun lol The next chapter is still not finished so sorry Also this is kind of canon in this fic, Also please call me Hisui! I'm the Author of this Fic! Nice to meet youuu!!

Edit: I decided to change the name, this chapter is now called Side Story! ]

Grim looked at the room that they always sleep in.

" Henchmen what is that. " Grim looked in horror

" What? It's my merchandise! " Solar smiled in glee and Noivern is just used to it at this point

There were. Steven Stone Merchandise. EVERYWHERE. 3 Plushies, 2 Posters, AND FRAMES OF PICTURES OF STEVEN STONE AND THE ELITE FOUR. There was even 2 notebooks with Steven's face on them... They were both SIGNED.

Solar is Steven Stone's Number one fan, Ever since she saw his battles in the TV as Advertisement, She was Hooked. Once she got to Hoenn she made sure of one thing.

Get Pictures, and I mean MULTIPLE PICTURES with Steven stone and she also has his autograph in her Hoenn Journal!! She has 3 pictures of Steven with her and 2 pictures for each GYM leader and Elite Four Member she defeated. (She got defeated by Steven but he still let her take pictures with him) and Lastly.

A Big Picture of Every Elite Four member, and Steven in one whole picture with her.

She made sure that Picture is safe and secured, she would bring Hellfire to anyone and anything. That tries to take that away from her. Even Akio..

" This is so weird!! What is this Obsession?! " Grim looked horrified

" What? No I don't obsess over him! And plus I already like someone romantically, Steven is my Idol! " Solar explained

" But is this REALLY NECESSARY??? " Grim asked

" Look, Akio gave these to me as Gifts! I couldn't turn it down! " Solar got down from the bed and went downstairs

" Akio? Who's Akio? " Grim asked

(He didn't listen when she told him about Akio😀)

" Oh, as expected you didn't listen to me huh? Akio is my Dumbass!(Her crush basically) " Solar smiled

A glass of water fell and made a giant noise

" Woah- H-Hi... Mr. Crowley...? " Solar said nervously as the Crow looked pretty pissed..?

" Who the hell is Akio. And where's he from. " Crowley smiled

" U-Uhm... RSA..? " Solar shuddered at his ominous smile

" I see. You're acquainted right? " He asked

" Y-yes..??? " Solar looked confused

' Why do I feel like someone is gonna be over protective to me.. ' Solar shuddered.

" Ah. I should just ban RSA students from coming here-" Crowley began to walk to the door

" WAIT NO- "

It took SO MANY Damn minutes for Solar to finally Convince him that it's no need and that Akio is just a crush and nothing more and Crowley allowed it. But only remaining as Crushes, nothing more.

(Yeah no, not sorry Crow man 😒)

' I wonder, How is Aki? I should really call him later... ' Solar smiled at the thought.

[ Somewhere in RSA ]

" U-Urgh... " Akio feels chills down his spine.

" Did something happen to Sol? " Akio looked at the Direction of NRC

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