{ ˋ Rose Tyrant 2? ˊ }

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Solar smiled softly, she kneeled down and held out her hand

" Nice to see you again, Poi-chan " She smiled.

" Poi! Poipole! " The Pokemon went upside down and began to spin around and around, then finally placed it's hand on her hand that was extended

' I was correct! ' Suddenly, a small little fairy appeared

" You are..? The Voice? " Solar got up and asked

' Indeed! I am the Guardian of this entire Rose Maze! My name is Rose! You best be greatful to be in my presence! ' The fairy proudly introduced herself

" I am Solar, It seems you already know my gender? May I know how? " Solar asked curiously

' You see. Out of everyone in that school, you were found out to be a girl by the other fae in the school! To be most precise, the Fae inside the school ' The Fae continued to explain and Solar got the gist of it.

She was found out to be a girl via Fire Fairies that were from the fireplace, and it seemed that the small rumor of her being the first girl in decades turned out to be true

" But then, why did you call me here? " Solar asked as Poipole just began playing with Absol

' Look, the other Fae and me are having a bad feeling. Not just that, but this dorm's leader is too much of a Tyrant. One of the students might snap, and If that happens who knows what kind of damage might be done to the surroundings! ' The fairy began to explain

' Or worse... There's going to be an overblot happening... ' The fairy shudders

" Overblot..? " Solar looked confused

' I'll explain soon! People are coming, so just come back once you could! I'll keep this little one company since it seems they're not yours.. ' The fairy spoke

" Please do. Once I finish my work needed here I'll be sure that I would repay you, " She thanked her and the Fairy and Poipole left immediately

" Absol. " The Pokemon nudged her carefully

" Yes Absol? " Solar kneeled down

Absol then continued to nuzzle on her, making her feel a lot calmer, but it did unlock some memories she didn't wanna ever remember again.

" How I wish this could last forever.. " She smiled bitterly and slowly got up

" Let's go back, shall we Absol? " She extended her hand which he nodded and they began to walk back..

[ Heartslabyul Dorm ]

" There you are!! Why'd you ditch us!? " Ace yelled furiously

" Oh, I apologize. I thought I saw a hedgehog " Solar didn't basically lie, she did see a hedgehog like on her way back-

" Still!!! You basically ditched us henchman! " Grim whined furiously on her shoulder

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you guys at lunch, I swear. " She held up both hands in defeat.

" Better keep that promise! " Ace spoke looking mischievous

" I never broke a single promise that I couldn't do, I have a unbreakable streak " Solar smiled gleefully

" Now, now that's enough for the reunion! Now then, Ace you did get a replacement tart right? " Cater asked

" Uh, no. I came here empty-handed.. " Ace sweat dropped as he felt someone glaring at him

" Well, that could be a problem. Jeez, you already forgot Rule 53? It states;
' What was once stolen must be replaced/returned at all costs'.
So, I basically can't let you guys back in the dorm. "

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