{ ˋ Rose Tyrant? 3ˊ }

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[ Woods Behind Campus ]

" Woah! These are absolutely ripe! And they seem ready for harvest! " Solar eyed the Chestnuts and the other fruits in the woods

" How do you know? " Deuce asked

" Deuce-kun, I've been traveling for a while! And also I love studying about fruits and berries, that's why I know! " Solar answered politely

" Let's get grabbin'- YOWCH! Myah! The chestnut spines pricked my paws! " Grim yelled out

" I don't think we can do this with our bare hands. And we need something to put them in, too. " Deuce spoke

" Careful Grim, we need tongs and a basket. "

" Maybe we can find some in the botanical garden? " Ace suggested

" Alright, Botanical Garden we go! "

[ Botanical Garden - Temperate Zone ]

" Whoa, I didn't realize this place was so huge. " Ace looked around in Awe

" If it's this large, it's got to have a groundskeeper. " Deuce looked around

" Let's split up and look. " Solar suggested

" Sure. Dibs on the right side. " Ace dibs

" Then how about I go left, while Grim and Solar go straight ahead? " Deuce suggested

" Alright, " They all split up

" Hey, come take a look at this! There's a ton of fruit growing here! Smells like they're ripe, too! " Grim looked at the Berries hungrily

" Don't eat it. It's poisonous Grim " Solar spoke

" Eek! " Grim shrieked and jumped onto her shoulder

" You should really learn something from Professor Crewel. " Solar sighed

' Oh, it's someone's tail? Wouldn't wanna make someone angry all of a sudden- ' Solar carefully made sure she didn't step on his tail.

But because of Grim's annoying ass talking she accidentally stepped on it.

" Hey! You got some nerve steppin' on my tail and just not carin'! " A Tall man with long brown hair spoke in the bushes. Yep it's the dude tail she just stepped on.

" Are you the groundskeeper? Not sure you oughta be talkin' to students that way, pal. " Grim snickered

" Grim shut up. " Solar flicked her finger on his forehead and he winced

" Tch. Ain't nothin' worse than bein' in the middle of a good nap and havin' some jerk step on your tail. " The man with Pyroar ears snarled at them

" I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was going.. " Solar bowed her head.

' Please leave I don't wanna talk to people right now (ಥ_ಥ) ' Solar thought

" You... I know you. You're that herbivore from orientation who couldn't use magic. " He leaned closer and sniffed her

' ???? What the actual- IS HE SNIFFING ME??? Arceus why did you send me here (T^T) ' Solar internally cries

" Huh. It's true. You don't smell of magic at all. But I didn't expect you to be a female. " The man stared at her

" W-wait you know I'm a girl? " She stared at him in shock

" Tch, can't even hide your own scent? It's obvious from your scent alone that you're a female. " He said

' Guess I'm asking for that next time- ' Solar thought

" Tch. Here take this " He gave her a small perfume bottle.

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