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After the crime scean and the morgue Will immediately returned back house with hannibal who had barely spoken a word . He did walk around and through the people and tables and furniture which distracted Will and listen closely to the autopsy done by Beverly. 

"I .......I don't think I liked that Jack ." Hannibal complained scrunching his face

"Yiu didn't? That's strange you always called Jack over for dinner. "

"Hmmm........must have been buttering him up. Keep your friends close and your enemy closer . "Hnnibal said looking smug causing Will to laugh.

After feeding the dogs and himself Will sat infron of the fireplace with Hannibal who looked lost in his own thoughts.

"He maybe afraid of dying in his sleep so he makes angels to watch over him . How can you profile someone whose thoughts changes continuously ." Will asked himself

"A tumor can affect brain
functione causing vivid
hallucinations. However, what drives The Angel Maker to create heaven on Earth maybe simple issue of mortality." Hannibal judged almost sounding like his old self which caused Will tk smile fondly

"Can’t beat God, become him."Will chuckled

"You said he was afraid Will"

"He feels abandoned." Will whispered

"Ever feel abandoned, Will?"hannibal asked softly which caused Will to look at him
"Abandonment requires expectation hannibal"

"May I ask What were your expectations of Jackand the FBI?"

"Jack hasn’t abandoned me." Will said frowning

"Not in any obvious way. Perhaps in the way Gods abandon his creations.Jack gave you his word he would
protect your head space. Yet he
leaves you to your mental devices."

"Are you trying to alienate me from
Jack Crawford?"Will asked confused

"I am trying to help you understand
this Angel Maker you seek."hannibal replied softly catching Wills hand on his own looking deep into the man's eyes.

"Help me understand how to catch him." Will whispered back

"Maybe if he were a  paranoid
schizophrenic you can be able to
influence him to become visible. "Hannibal suggested

"Scare him out into the daylight."

"Might even get him to hurt himself
if he hasn’t already."

"If he were self-destructive he
wouldn’t be so careful. "Will argued

"Unless he’s being careful about his
self-destruction so he  makes
angels to pray over him when he
sleeps. Who prays over us when we sleep?"

"My nightmare and hallucination. "Wil chuckled.

"I can see them Will some how I can see those nightmare and hallucination.  But rest assured your safe here . Sleep is the only place nothing can harm you physically . Sleep now William.  " hannibal said softly helping Will climb onto his small bed.

"I will watch over you ." Hannibals soft voice lulled Will to fall asleep instantly and for first time In a long time Will slept peacefully no sight of nightmare haunted him .

After she packed her bags  and turned of the library light she again got that weird feeling, glacing around first to make sure, she still didn't see anyone. Grabbing the books and the last shards of her sanity Abigail made her way to her dorm. It was quite there . After much insisting from Will and Hannibal she had gone to a Private School and was living in her dorm. She wasn't sure if she forgave Will or she would ever forgive him.

He took away her last hope of family. The family Hannibal had made so many effort to make it happen.  The family made for three if them together.

Hannibal was acting strange when she had last saw him . Before the FBI showed up . Before Will ran forgetting that she was upstairs.

Hannibal had a visitor.........a unseen visitor.......he was being threatened. The fsound of fighting and struggling was heard throught the thick oak door.

After much time and struggle the sound of a car leaving was heard and only then did Abigail stepped down to the room .

There he could see Hannibal beaten up with a thoughtful and troubled look on his face. As he saw Abigail he motioned her to come closer .

"Abigail.....listen to me . We Don't have much time . I would like to apologise but ........I don't think I could give you a family you deserve. We ..........you and Will are in terrible danger . I want you to .........to......be good and stay in the school . Don't leave and trust noone but Will you hear me Abigail?"

Abigail nodded confused.

"And after a few months I want you to convince will to leave everything behind and disappear. He will listen to you cunning girl . "

"Won't.......won't you come with us. "

Hannibal shook his head sadly .

"No......will found out. He found out before I could tell him. "

"Then why don't you stop him . We can try together he will listen . "Abigail screMed

"Maybe he would. But it was his decision and we should respect it. He will love you for ever Abigail don't forget it. "

"Then let's run away together. We can get Will later. "

"I am afraid I have other matters to look into Abigil . Don't argue with me . You do what I asked you to won't  you ?"

Abigail nooded sadly crying.

"Remember the name Beledia . She is my Psychiatrist.  If anything happens to him or you , you will look for thus person...........now leave. We dont have much time.  "Hannibal said pushing abigail away.

As she opened the door something...no someone slammed into her and she heard the  door shut and the quiet click of the lock being bolted. Gaining her wits and senses , she finally looked up and saw that it wasn't just someone but three people that had slammed into her.

Gritting her teeth, she growled,"What the hell do you want?" She was finally able to sit up and look around for escape.

"My my feisty as your adopted father aren't you.We are here to take us with you . If you co operate no one gets hurt"one said approaching her.

Abigail slowly reached out to the small hunting  blade she carried around and slashed at the man swiftly and stabbed the other two on the legs . She had to thank her biological father for her skills in hunting blade and Hannibal for her swiftness as she ran back into the library and locked the door.

The library had only one door and the windows were too high to reach. She knew she had no other choice or time . She had to get to Will. As she roamed around she came up with an idea. She knew Will would look for her...........he would come to the library as it was the last place her friends saw her . She had to leave a clue for him .

Just as she was done she heard a large crash if the door and the last thing she remembered was praying that Will would see it . He would cone for her . Before darkness took her vision .

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