Passing The Torch

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Robbie Reyes Reads A Newspaper about the Justice league he sighs

Robbie:None of my business

He drinks coffee

Just then he gets a call and answers


Aunt Marcy:Honey it's me Aunt Marcy

Robbie:oye tía

Aunt Marcy has a sad tone

Robbie:what's wrong you sound sad?

Aunt M:Zion...hes been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer

Robbie's eyes widen

Aunt M:He doesn't have much longer left-

Robbie:wh-what hospital are you at

Aunt M:the one down the street

Robbie immediately puts some money on the table and gets into his car speeding

A gang member is revealed to be sitting behind him

Gang Member:yeah he's going to the hospital down the street

He walks into the room they're in and sees his cousin a husk of his former self his hair is just gone

Zion coughs

Zion:H-Hey Loser-

He coughs again

Robbie sits next to his cousin

Robbie:How you feeling?

Zion:Well I'm in Pan Shitting Agony that's something

Robbie chuckles

Robbie:still got that sense of humor

Zion:never left jackass

The two laugh but zion coughs

Zion:Robbie...I need you to promise me something


Zion:Promise...Promise me that...that my parents w-will be taken care of...

Robbie:I promise-

Zion laughs

Zion:Now...I'm Gonna sleep like I don't have a tomorrow...which I don't

Zion closes his eyes going to sleep

A tear streams down Robbie's face

He holds his cousins hand as he slowly succumbs to his inevitable fate

A slow motion shot reveals gang members entering with guns

Robbie:take care of them yourself...*his hand glows orange* Punk-

A surge of heat rushes across the dying Zion it flashes purple

Robbie:he's your problem now-

Robbie hugs his cousin and goes to leave but he's shot multiple times by a gang member

Aunt M:Rob...ROBBIE!!

She's also shot

The gang members walk toward Zion

Gang Member:I'm not gonna kill a cancer patient Dude

Gang Member 2:yeah like that's a ticket to super hell

Gang Member 4:well boss said kill everyone so if none of you wussies will do it I will

He puts a gun to zions face before he pulls the trigger Zion his his eyes his flesh burning off he immediately holds up gang member 4 by the throat his skin burns completely off revealing

He puts a gun to zions face before he pulls the trigger Zion his his eyes his flesh burning off he immediately holds up gang member 4 by the throat his skin burns completely off revealing

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The Spirit of vengeance throws gang member four out the window

He's unaffected by gunshots and even burns the people alive

The spirit of vengeance looks a Robbie on the ground he looks at the gang members escaping

The Ghost rider grows skin and eyes reverting back to a now white haired Zion

Robbie:Wh-White Hair...S-S-Suits you-

Zion:Doctor...I NEED A DAMN DOCTOR!!!!

He turns to his mom who already died


Zion hugs her corpse but she's dead

Robbie:Zi...Promise won't let the...*he coughs* Rage c-consume you...*he holds his cousins hand* the responsibility is...yours now

Robbie finally succumbs to his wounds dying

A tear streams down Robbie's face


Zion watches as they tell him it's to late the two have died

Zion looks down in pure sadness he leaves the hospital and sees the man who was about to shoot him

His eyes flash purple as he walks over

He lifts the man up


Gunmen:Go To Hell...

Zions eyes glow purple completely

Zion:you first

His flesh burns off as he shifts back into the ghost rider

Ghost Rider:Answer The Question!

The Man shouts with fear

Gunmen:Santino Noguera!!!

The Ghost Rider tilts his head

Gunmen:I told you what you wanted to know what else do you want from me...

The rider brings him in close

Ghost Rider:Look into my eyes. Your soul is  stained with the blood of the innocent. Feel their pain

The Man shouts with pain and fear

He feels all the countless people he's killed

When ghost rider is done he's left with burnt out eyes

The rider walks into the distance murder on his skull

Ghost Rider X Justice League UnlimitedWhere stories live. Discover now