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•Logan's Pov•
I stood in the kitchen making breakfast I got up early so right before he would wake up I can get changed I turned around to grab the eggs as he stood there leaning against the doorway "Good morning" I smiled a little he was dressed and ready for the day "I didn't hear you in here earlier, I thought you left" he crossed his arms over his chest I shook my head "I couldn't after what you said" I smiled a little I grabbed a mug of coffee walking over to him handing him the cup "Here this should help the hang over" he smiled taking it. "Is that my top?" He pointed out as I walked back over to the stove finishing breakfast

"Well you had me stay and I had nothing to sleep in so, I'm sorry I'll wash it and bring it back to work tomorrow" I took the pancakes off the pan onto a plate "Keep it, you look good in it" I smiled softly as I felt my face heat up "I Um got to get Chris up so he can eat before school" I nodded my head "Yeah that's fine I'll I'm get changed then finish up" I moved the pan shutting the stove off I went to walk out the room as he grabbed my wrist I looked at his hand then back up at him

"But" he pulled me back towards him "I never got to apologize for my actions last night" I smiled shaking my head "No need to apologize, you kissed me so what?" I shrugged as he smirked a bit "But you kissed back" I rolled my eyes he let me go as I walked towards him room to get changed I spun back looking at him "oh and for a future reference, dropping someone ruins moods" he laughed shaking his head "I'll keep that noted"

Eddie got Chris up and ready to eat then to school I grabbed my jacket and keys I walked up to Chris kneeling down "Now listen here handsome man, you have a good day at school alright?" He smiled wide at me "I will" I kissed his head ruffling his hair I stood up looking at Eddie "And you" I poked his chest I leaned forward kissing his cheek "You be careful out there today. See you boys later" I walked out the house rushing to my car. I got in starting it up driving to Maddie's and chimney's place.

•Eddie's Pov•

"Well well well, if it isn't the man of the hour" chimney said smiling as he tapped my back I raised my eyebrow "What?" I asked him as he pulled me aside "What made you finally do it?" He asked I shook my head laughing a little shoving my hands into my pockets "Do what chim?" I asked him as he looked around "you and Logan" my eyes grew wide "How did you... she went right to maddie didn't she?" He laughed a bit "Man don't worry them girls keep secrets locked very well, besides she was glowing" I looked at him a bit confused

"Really?" I asked him as he shook his head laughing a bit "You don't know?" He asked I shook my head "Well she li- Hey Logan! I need you in my office" Bobby called out I looked over to see her walking in she had a smile on her face. Chimney wasn't lying when he said she was glowing she sat her bag down on the truck going into the office with him "Wonder what that's about" I walked over towards the doors as she sat there talking to him "Can you read lips?" He asked I looked over at him "isn't there a bus that needs to be cleaned or something?" I asked he rolled his eyes walking away

-Logan's Pov-

I stood there staring at the woman as she sat there as Eddie and hen worked on her everything was quiet all I could hear was my heart beating in my ears. I looked over at the kid who laid there his life is gone, he looked about to be only Nine. The woman that is fighting for her life also got hit. This call was a hit and run driver ran over a kid and his mother. I stood there staring at her praying that she wakes up. But my heart was breaking for her at the same time I looked over at the kid again while chimney rushed up moving Eddie out the way helping by starting a IV. I stared watching them work on her I've never froze up at work but this call really hit me hard. "Logan" buck grabbed my arm softly as I snapped out of thought looking up at him "Huh?" I asked as he raised a eyebrow up at me "we have been calling you for five minutes the boy is in the bus come on we are ready" I looked back at the ground to see blood "yeah I'm coming" he jogged back over to the bud as I sighed deeply "Logan" he called again I turned around walking back "Alright"


I sat there playing with a apple spinning it on the table Eddie walked up the steps walking over to me sitting down "What's going on?" He asked I snapped out my thoughts looking up at him "What? There isn't anything going on" he shook his head leaning forward "Logan you never zone out on calls, what's wrong?" He asked as I sighed deeply looking down at the apple "You know he was only about nine years old" I played with the apple a bit as he sighed deeply leaning back "Logan" I looked over at him as he reached across the table grabbing my hand softly as his thumb ran over the tops of my hands

"Stuff like this comes with the job" I nodded my head "I understand that, just.. that jackass is still out there! He could hurt someone else!" I started to tear up he stood up walking over to me pulling me up out my seat and into a hug I wrapped my arms around his chest nuzzling my head into his chest "Listen it's okay to be emotional but not while in the field you just got to put the feelings behind you then the people, after the call you can let them feelings show" he lifted my head up making me look up at him as a tear feel down my cheek he raised his hand up using his thumb to wipe the tear off my cheek

"If you need any help I'm here for you beautiful alright?" I nodded my head he kissed my forehead wrapping his arms around me "Aweee, you guys make the worlds cutest couple ever." our head snapped over to see Hen and Chimney standing there I chuckled a bit pulling away "don't forget the hottest couple also" I raised my eyebrow a bit I smiled softly "alright you guys stop" Hen laughed pulling me into a hug "I still remember my first kid call" she sighed deeply pulling away "It will never go away will it?" I asked as they shook there heads no

"Maybe you should come by tonight I'm sure maddie won't care" chimney said as I shook my head "No I'm fine guys thank you for the worry but I'm fine really" I smiled between them as they gave me weird looks the rest of the day of work I did everything to clear my mind from the call. I sighed deeply sitting down after shutting my locker my shift was finally up after a very long depressing day of work. I stood back up grabbing my bag walking out to my car I tossed my bag in the back seat getting in my car and driving home

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