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Erica's POV:

I woke up to a loud bang and I quickly jolted up. My head snapped to the door and I saw that the door was kicked open by Crusty himself.

"Wake up you two , it's 9 o'clock!" He said. "Zip it King itchy, it's 5 am you crusty bitch!!!" Hana yelled from beside me , which actually scared me cause I kind forgot she was there
"What did you just call me you brat?!?!" Shigaraki yelled. "You heard me chap stick!!!" Hana retaliated. I'm not gonna lie  , this was really entertaining.

It was getting harder to hold back my laugh , when I heard a third voice. "Shut the f*ck up you two! It's way to early for this sh!t!!!" it was a male voice.

"Quite Dabi!" They both said in unison. At this point I couldn't take it anymore. I burst out laughing and their heads snapped in my direction.

I guess they forgot I was here.  I was crying laughing at this point. I quickly composed myself and held back my laughter. Shigaraki sent a glare my way and I didn't know whether to find this funny or frightening.

"Tch , whatever come up in ten" he said before slamming the door shut. I turned to Hana who was already getting up.

"Sorry you had to see that." Hana said walking to the closest. "No it's ok, I haven't laughed like that in years " ok said giving her a smile. 

"Well we should get going before baby throws a tantrum." She said and I snickered "Here , I noticed that you need something else to wear" she said handing me an outfit.

It was a plain white cropped top and black ripped jeans with a denim jacket

"It's nothing fancy but I hope it will do." I heard her say as I analysed the outfit .

"I-if you don't like it I can get you something else." She said nervously. "No , no it's great thank you , it's just...."   I started. "It's ok if you don't like it. I'll find something else." She interrupted.

"No it's just that my quirk rips up any normal clothes I wear . My clothes, although a bit warn out, are immersed with my DNA so when I transform into something big they won't be torn to shreds" I explained

"Ohhhh, I thought you didn't like my taste in fashion or something " she laughed  "Come , Kurogiri made breakfast." She said pulling on her outfit.  She wore something similar to me but in all black and instead of a denim jacket she had a black leather jacket.

  She wore something similar to me but in all black and instead of a denim jacket she had a black leather jacket

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(minus the tassels)

"Who's Kurogiri?" I asked as we walked out of the door. "He's like the mom of the group " she said as we continue up the basement stairs.

We eventually came to what looks like a bar and there were more people there . There was a blonde girl dressed in a school uniform, a man in a black and silver-ish bodysuit, a man in a mask , hat and cream-ish coat and a.....smoke guy in a suite?

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