Hana's return

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*The picture above is how I'd like to imagine Erika , thanks AI generated pictures (Cause im no good at art. ;-;) *

3rd Pov

Hana's eyes gleam with an unsettling intensity as she acknowledges Shigaraki's command. Her voice is laced with an eerie enthusiasm, her words dripping with an unsettling obedience."Yes, master! I'll show them all the true meaning of power!" She yelled with a sudden burst of speed, Hana charges towards Madam Movement and Mr. Aisawa, her fists glowing with a dark, red energy. The air seems to distort around her, as if reality itself is bending to accommodate her twisted powers.

Madam Movement's eyes widen in alarm, her hands raising , ready to defend herself . "Hana, no! Don't do this!" She yelled
but Hana's beyond reason, her mind consumed by Kira's dark influence. She unleashes a flurry of blows, each one landing with precision and force all while avoiding eye contact  from Aisawa as well as his scarf and Madam Movement's touch. The sound of  tearing fabric fills the air, as Madam Movement and Mr. Aisawa struggle to keep up with Hana's relentless assault and she rippes a bit of Aisawa's scarf. Aisawa's shock from the now ripped scarf gives Kira an opening and she kicks him with enough force to not only shatter his nose but send him flying into Madam Movement  who inturn hit the wall behind her.

She now stood over them ready to deal a deadly blow "Finish them! Now Kira! KILL THEM!!!" Shigaraki somewhat cheered excitedly "Yes master..." Kira's already dark eyes deepening with a void in place of emotions. She raised her hand , a purple thick smoke gripping onto Aisawa's neck , cutting off his oxygen supply. As Kira squeezed her hand to completely smash Aisawa's esophagus she hear footsteps draw close"Hana...no" A soft familiar voice whispered,  it was non other than her friend Erika.

Hana's eyes flicker with a glimmer of recognition as she hears Erika's voice, her movements slowing slightly as a hint of confusion crosses her face."Erika...?" she whispers, her voice barely audible.Erika takes a cautious step forward, her eyes locked on Hana's face. "Hana, it's me...Erika. Snap out of it, Hana! Don't let him control you!"Hana's gaze wavers, her eyes darting between Erika and Shigaraki. For a moment, her expression softens, and a glimmer of her true self shines through.

Shigaraki's grip on the remote tightens, his eyes blazing with intensity. "You brat! I told you to stay back!!You're not Hana!You're Kira! You're my pet !Don't listen to her! You're mine, and you'll do as I say!" He demanded as he scratched his neck before he put the remote on a higher setting  , pumping more Norepinephrine and Epinephrine into her body "I'll teach you , you brat! KILL her!" Shigaraki commands.

The remote's influence surges through Hana's mind, her eyes flashing red once more. Her face contorts in a snarl, and she drops Aisawa and lunges at Erika with a feral growl. Hana's attack on Erika is brutal and relentless, her fists and feet striking with precision and force. Erika tries to defend herself, but Hana's strength is too much, and she's soon overwhelmed.

Blood splatters everywhere as Hana's blows land, Erika's screams echoing through the room. Shigaraki watches with a twisted grin, his eyes gleaming with excitement.Madam Movement and Mr. Aisawa try to intervene, but Hana's too fast, her movements too unpredictable. They're forced back, their attempts to reason with her falling on deaf ears. After a brutal beating,  Erika's body slumps to the ground, her face a bloody mess. Hana stands over her, chest heaving, eyes blazing with a feral intensity.

And then, in a flash of insight, Hana's eyes clear, her face contorting in a mix of horror and despair. She looks down at Erika's broken form, and her mind snaps back into focus."Erika, no...what have I done?" she whispers as she grapples with the horror of her actions. What has she done to her best friend. Staring at the scene before him Shigaraki decides to slip away having gotten the signal from the LOV about Kai's defeat, Shigaraki's grin falters for a moment as he receives the signal from the LOV, his eyes narrowing in concern. Its too risky to face two heros on his own even if they were just tossed around by Kira,  they could still take him on so without a word, he turns and slips away, disappearing into the shadows like a ghost silently swearing to get her back .Even if Hana runs away or leaves with the heros,  they'll get her back eventually.  They always do...

Madam Movement and Mr. Aisawa are left to face the aftermath of Hana's rampage, their faces grim and worried. Erika's broken form lies in Hana's arms at their feet, her condition critical."Hana, can you hear me?" Madam Movement asks gently, trying to reach her friend. "We need to get Erika to safety , she's in critical condition." Aisawa said trying to coerce her into handing Erika to them.Hana's eyes are filled with tears and regret, her face contorted in a mix of anguish and determination. "I... I messed up . I wrecked everything. Its all my fault." Hana said as tears streamed down her face. "Its not you'refault.  You were being controlled against your will,even I doubted you but now I know it was never your choice.Come back with us and we'll get through this together. " Aisawa said , placing his hand on Hana's shoulder "Thank you Erasure,  I'll do whatever it takes," she whispers. "I won't let them control me ever again." She says pulling the barely breathing Erika closer to her and gently handing her over to Aisawa before they felt a large explosion rock the building and they quickly rushed outside

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12 ⏰

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