Day In My Life

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"Nina?" He said my name and I shook myself, what just happened? "Yeah?" I asked and he handed me a napkin, I day dreamed about him, oh shit.
I cleaned my lips and we finished eating with often popped questions about herself and life, while I'm trying to convince myself what the hell did I just do or say dream off.

"Thanks for the ride" I smiled as he pulled up, not long after and he nodded, "sleep tight miss Dobrev" he smiled as I climbed out and he drove off.

I took a deep breath, I need to take a shower and catch some sleep, and also try to avoid him if it's possible, I mean how hard can it be, right?

After 30 min I climbed in bed and grabbed my phone, first episode reviews are out and some are good some aren't the best but still leaves room for more to find out.
I smiled a little and dared to open my Twitter, wow that's a whole lot of new followers and some tweets about TVD, against that's the new deal for me.

I fall asleep not longer after with a big smile.

The morning after was quite, it's a day off to have some more arrangements and take it easier around the ear so I decided to get some yoga done, and have a few friends to breakfast.

Candice, Sara and Kayla came an hour later and we sat and talked and it was nice, only a thought of my daydream the other night kept my mind focused .. I gotta shake it off sooner than later.
Nothing would happen, I'm professional and it's a job that I plan to do the best I can.

They left, and as I cleaned my dished a phone call, great.
I dried my hands and looked at my phone, Ian lucky me I guess.

"Hey Neens, I'm here with our beloved love triangle third angle" he mocked and a smile crocked my lips, "what is it that you want the two of you?" I leaned near the sink, "come over, we gotta work on some scripts and chemistry and an interview to some teen magazine so come already,  oh and bring coffee" he told me, that's a lot but that's our life.

An hour later I pulled over to address Ian sent me, that's a nice looking building I guess.
I took the coffee and walked up.
The door was opened by Paul, I smiled, "hey" as he moved for me to enter and I couldn't help but look around, I always find male decor to be unique for each one. Ian was different, as I looked around he came out of his room, "hey you" he smiled and took on of the cups of coffee I brought and sat.

"Interviews first, they should call in a few, no worries, you'll do great" he smiled.
I nodded and sat near him. 

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