★ 11 ★

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from here on the story really gets wild. a lot more supernatural events and also longer chapters. enjoy~~


The car ride was silent for a good while. It was peaceful and serene which was a surprise to Jimin. But then, Jungkook and Taehyung got into a heated discussion on what they should eat when they arrive at Indigo Village. That's how it started.

"No I think fish filet is NOT fancy food" Taehyung argues

"How is it not? It literally has the word Filet in it. Every time there's a french word it's fancy!" Jungkook now argues

Taehyung scoffs and says "I will not have my Omega eating low class food"

"Your Omega? Dude, he's also mine as well. When will you get it through that thick skull of yours that the three of us are stuck together"

"I will never be used to it. I'll find a way to have you out of the damn picture. Jimin will realize how incapable you are" Taehyung said pointing fingers

"Incapable huh....is it because I don't come from money like you? Well guess what rich boy not everything is about money. Jimin will get tired of your ass when he realizes that all you care about is fucking money and not how to love him"

Taehyung started sitting at the edge of his seat and points a finger at Jungkook "First off, money rules the fucking word dip shit! That's why you grew up having a hard time isn't it? Poor boys like you shouldn't even be speaking to a noble like me. You're lucky you're in my presence low class bitch"

"what you call me?" Jungkook fist clenched

Taehyung smirks "A low class bit—"

Then the two Alphas literally jumped at each other. Jimin started screaming at the two to stop. The limo truck was indeed spacey but it was still too narrow for them to start a fight. Jimin got up from his seat and tried his best to not get hit while he tried to stop the fight.

The two Alphas were really going at it with each other and this was the first time their arguments escalated like this. Jimin was really starting to think that they should just turn this car around and not even continue this damn trip. The more he was trying to stop the fight the more angry Jimin was becoming.

The Omega slips beside the wrestling Alphas and bangs on the small window that separates them and Taehyung's driver. The driver opens the window smiling not aware of the chaos in the back. But then frowns when he sees in the rear view mirror and hears the shouts and scuffles of the two Alphas.

"Can you PLEASE pull the car over. I can't deal with those two!" Jimin said pointing at the Alphas who were standing up wrestling for dominance

The driver immediately stops the car causing the two Alphas to fall. They stopped hitting each other, being brought back to reality that the car stopped. Above them stood a very angry and nearly on the edge of tears Jimin glaring down at them with his naturally sultry eyes.

"You two are unfucking believable! You're really getting into a fist fight over something so stupid! I'm tired of your fighting! We're supposed to be getting along. It's not hard to see past your big fucking ego's and try to fucking understand each other for once!" Jimin shouts causing them to wince a bit

"J-Jimin we—" Jungkook starts but Jimin interrupts

"No! I will not stand for it! I'm taking a walk...I-I literally need some space. I'm so angry and disappointed in you two" Jimin said pointing a finger at them angrily "Just leave me alone for a while"

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