★ 3 ★

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The outside scenery moves quickly as the chug of the train fills Jeon Jungkook's ears. He was nearly at his destination, The Purple Village, and was super excited. He was practically jumping in his seat. His backpack was filled with two outfits and basic toiletries. His bag stayed snug on his lap. It was a long journey to the capital city being that his home was the Red Village. It was far away from The Capitol. Also, this was Jungkook's first time outside of his home village. 


Jungkook looks up to see a train worker with her cart of snacks. His stomach definitely was growling. He hasn't eaten the whole trip. The train food was quite expensive. He only has enough money for his short hotel stay, four smallish meals, and a small gift he could provide for his new omega....hopefully. Jungkook was used to skipping meals anyways.

"Yes ma'am?" he asked politely 

"Did you want anything before getting to the destination?" She asked with a pearly white wide smile 

Jungkook just shyly shakes his head. She bowed and walks away leaving Jungkook to stare at awe out the window. As soon as he looked outside he didn't see grasslands or just trees anymore, he saw shiny big buildings. Skyscrapers is what his parents told them they were called. The train tracks were higher up on a bridge, so below he could see many cars and pedestrians as well. The streets were nicely decorated with lights and some trees as well. But Jungkook was surprised to see no one walking in their wolf forms. 

Back in the red village, it was common to see individuals in wolf form most of the time. But, Jungkook supposes that was because in the Red Village everyone was always on high alert for their own safety. Here in the capital Purple Village everyone was calm, cool, and collected. Deep inside Jungkook wished he had a life like these Purple Villagers. But, he couldn't possibly leave his family back in Red Village. This is why he's plans to bring his future Omega back with him. 

"Hello everyone this is the last stop for this train. We are now approaching the platform" The train conductor said fuzzily into the microphone

The train was now inside the station and it was slowing down. People around him were gathering their belongings getting ready to get off the train. Jungkook got his backpack and waited until the train went to a full stop. When he got off the train he looked around the station like a lost puppy. Many other pedestrians walked past him busily and quickly. Jungkook even noticed some people busy staring at their mobile phones. He always wished to have one of those. He would sometimes see old billboard signs towards the boarder of the Yellow and Red Village advertising phones and other modern gadgets. 

"Map, map, map" he mutters as he looks around and tries to spot one 

Unlike most people that use their phones for the gps, Jungkook had to use an actual map. He walked around the station hoping that he can find a map of the city but all he could find was a map for the train lines. So Jungkook continued his search further until he approached a newspaper stand. Behind the stand was an elderly Alpha male hoping for costumers. 

"Uhh hello sir?" Jungkook said shyly

The man smiled revealing crinkles under his eyes "Yes young man, what can I do for you?"

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